This archive contains debugging information retrieved for the following kernel versions: 455c6fdbd219161bd09b1165f11699d6d73de11c: Linux 3.14 1860e379875dfe7271c649058aeddffe5afd9d0d: Linux 3.15 aca0a4eb4e325914ddb22a8ed06fcb0222da2a26: Last good commit eec15edbb0e14485998635ea7c62e30911b465f0: First bad commit b04c58b1ed26317bfb4b33d3a2d16377fc6acd0f: Still bad (merge branch "acpi-enumeration") b04c58b1ed26317bfb4b33d3a2d16377fc6acd0f.PATCHED: Patched with a debug patch provided by Rui After eec15edbb0e14485998635ea7c62e30911b465f0, the kernel can no longer resume from suspend. The crash looks like what is shown in "crash.png". Even for defective kernels, "echo devices >/sys/power/pm_test" completes successfully, whereas "echo platform >/sys/power/pm_test" triggers the crash. CONFIG_PM_TRACE_RTC suggests that the bug is caused by LNXSYBUS:00:, but that might be incorrect. Please note that "dmesg" shows an early stack trace during boot. This might or might not be related. Please also not that the output from "acpidump" changes between kernel versions. I also included the output from grep . /sys/bus/pnp/devices/*/firmware_node/* grep . /sys/bus/pnp/devices/*/* grep . /sys/bus/platform/devices/*/firmware_node/* grep . /sys/bus/platform/devices/*/* for each of the kernels. And the directory tree underneath /sys/bus/pnp/devices/ -> /sys/devices/pnp0/.