--------------------------------------- By: Calum Power [Enune] www.fribble.net Title: Multiple vulnerabilities in Phorum Forum package Date: 24-12-2003 Vendor Description: Phorum is a web based message board written in PHP. Phorum is designed with high-availability and visitor ease of use in mind. Features such as mailing list integration, easy customization and simple installation make Phorum a powerful add-in to any website. Affected versions: All vulnerabilities listed below were found in version 3.4.5 of Phorum. However, earlier versions could be (and most likely are) affected by these exploits. --------------------------------------- Vulnerabilities VULN #1: An XSS vulnerability exists in the script 'common.php' that allows arbitrary code execution on the client-side browser. Ironically, this vulnerability is in the 'phorum_check_xss()' function. The vulnerable code is below: if(!is_array($value) && $key!="body" && $key!="subject" && $key!="hide" && stristr($value, "' tags, however XSS attacks are NOT limited to just the