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Message-ID: <20080405073915.17191.qmail@securityfocus.com>
Date: 5 Apr 2008 07:39:15 -0000
From: evilcry@...il.com
To: bugtraq@...urityfocus.com
Subject: TheGreenBowVPN, Login Credentials Disclosure
Hi there,
TheGreenBow IPSec VPN Client Login Credentials Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Risk: Low
Typology: Local
Date: 30/03/2008
Product: TheGreenBow IPSec VPN Client
Version: 4.10.010
Vendor: http://www.thegreenbow.com/vpn.html
Vendor Status: 29/03/2008 – Vendor Informed
30/03/2008 - Reply from The Vendor
31/03/200/ - Patch Released
Discovered By: Giuseppe `Evilcry` Bonfa'
TheGreenBow IPSec VPN Client is an on demand IPSec VPN Client, compliant with most popular VPN gateways and with network tools to deploy security in large and medium enterprises. Highly efficient and easy to configure, the IPSec VPN Client also allows peer-to-peer VPN.
TheGreenBow IPSec VPN Client 4.10.010 is prone to a Login Credentials that could expose local users of TheGreenBow to a leak of Sensitive Informations, specifically an attacker could Carve, Login and Certificates used by the user, cause they are stored in clear in memory. This may lead complete User Impersonation.
Attackers can exploit this issue to harvest VPN login credentials and gain unauthorized access to networks and resources protected by the VPN.
All informations are stored in the meomory image of the process 'Tgbike.exe', so with a basical Process Memory Dumper.
So we can identify some keywords to use for Credentials Carving:
Xuser = “”
Xpassword = “”
# ==================== CERTIFICATES ====================
A PDF version of the Advisory is available here:
Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
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