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Message-Id: <201808212149.w7LLniG6011259@ip-100-122-159-248.us-east-1.ec2.aws.symcpe.net>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 21:49:44 GMT
From: reggie.dodd30@...il.com
To: bugtraq@...urityfocus.com
Subject: Mutiny Monitoring Appliance < 6.1.0-5263 - Command Injection
Mutiny Monitoring Appliance < 6.1.0-5263 - Command Injection (CVE-2018-15529)
Mutiny Monitoring Appliance
Reginald Dodd
A command injection vulnerability in maintenance.cgi in Mutiny "Monitoring Appliance" before 6.1.0-5263 allows authenticated users, with access to the admin interface, to inject arbitrary commands within the filename of a system upgrade upload.
[Version Tested]
Version 6.1.0-5191 was tested and is vulnerable.
Upgrade to v6.1.0-5263.
https://www.mutiny.com/mutiny-support/previous-releases/ (Under the "Patches/Bugs" Fixed section)
August 12, 2018 - A detailed report and exploit was sent to the vendor.
August 13, 2018 - The vendor released a patch (version 6.1.0-5263).
August 19, 2018 - Mitre assigned a CVE.
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