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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 12:59:55 +0000
From: "Delaitre, Aurelien \(IntlAssoc\)" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: SATE VI - Call for Participation

Dear Software Assurance Community,

NIST is pleased to announce the kick off of the "Classic Track" of the 6th Static Analysis Tool Exposition, SATE VI!

SATE is a non-competitive study of static analysis tool effectiveness, aiming at improving tools and increasing public awareness and adoption. 

In SATE VI’s Classic Track, we injected realistic vulnerabilities into large programs to assess the ability of tools to find bugs that matter. Participants should run their tool on these test sets and send us their reports. The SAMATE team will analyze the reports to assess the tools’ effectiveness, strenghs and areas of potential improvement. Preliminary results will be presented at a workshop, where participants are encouraged to share their experience. Final results will be published in a later report.

How to Participate:

To register for SATE VI, simply send an email, including the tool name and the author/organization, to 'aure' [at] ‘’, letting us know you would like to participate.

	• 2018-10-16: Registration opens.
	• 2018-10-29: Test cases are released. Participants begin their analysis.
	• 2018-12-29: Tool run period ends. Participants submit their tool reports.
	• 2019-01-02: NIST starts analyzing the reports and providing feedback to the participants.
	• 2019, Quarter 2: SATE VI Workshop (Date TBD)
	• 2019, Quarter 4: Publication of the SATE VI Report (Date TDB)

Participants will be acknowledged by name on the SATE website and in publications. However, specific results will be anonymized to encourage participation. Participants are free to release their results as they see fit.

Participation will remain undisclosed until the report submission deadline, and participants who would like to withdraw must do so before the deadline. If a participant withdraws, their intention to participate and decision to withdraw will never be disclosed.

For more detailed information, visit our website:, section “Classic Track”, or email ‘aure’ [at] ‘’.

The study is open to all, so don’t hesitate to share this email with others.

Best regards,

  Aurelien Delaitre

  Software Assurance Metrics And Tool Evaluation (SAMATE)
  National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  Phone: +1 (301) 975-3296

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