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Message-ID: <200209171644.g8HGiw786186@mailserver4.hushmail.com>
From: ppan at hushmail.com (ppan@...hmail.com)
Subject: OMG OMG BlueBoar OMG OMG Read all about it
Hash: SHA1
[(qsex)] naa, i don't like watching tv
<qsex> wtf ppan?
<ppan> ?????
<BlueBoar> wot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<BlueBoar> wot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<BlueBoar> da mets going win!!!!!
<BlueBoar> jsut fo dat
<ppan> ?
<ppan> i don't even watch tv
<BlueBoar> I going punish you good
<ppan> or soccer games
<ppan> the mets play soccer, right?
<BlueBoar> I still no know what mets mean
<BlueBoar> BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<ppan> oh
<ppan> see
<ppan> i didn't even know that
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- dude most of the regular games are
boring as hell, i agree there, but today was fuckin
awesome. every inning it was nuts
<BlueBoar> at least I know that!!!!
<ppan> so it's obvious qsex faked that
<ppan> i can't talk bad about something i don't even know
<qsex> yankees have a 1:4 chance of winning the world series every year
<ppan> a 'met' is the base of a tennis racket
[(qsex)] let me see if i can trick him lol
<BlueBoar> I thought that that's how they got the word underdog
<BlueBoar> mets=underdog
<ppan> no
<qsex> no
<ppan> met is the base of a tennis racket
<qsex> ppan is right
<ppan> i used to play tennis, i should know
<ppan> until i f'd up my ankle
<ppan> lol
<qsex> so mets are a bunch of rackets, that cant play baseball
<ppan> that ended tennis :)
<BlueBoar> or amazing mets
<qsex> lol
<BlueBoar> BUT
<ppan> HAHA
<ppan> a bunch of rackets?
<ppan> lol
<qsex> lol
<ppan> a bunch of bases of rackets
<ppan> lol
<ppan> OH
<ppan> base
<ppan> maybe it's a play on words
<ppan> like 1st/2nd/3rd/4th base
<BlueBoar> is the mets of that team named after a tennis racket
<ppan> base
<qsex> lol
<qsex> yesblueboar
<ppan> think that's it?
<qsex> maybe ppan
<ppan> since it means 'base of tennis racket'
<ppan> maybe they just took the 'base'
<qsex> i just know they cant play baseball
<qsex> lol
<ppan> and used it as a pun
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> I dont think so
<ppan> you don't think that's why they used it?
<BlueBoar> could met be short for a longer word?
<ppan> well why else would they pick something that means 'base of a
tennis racket'
<ppan> no
<ppan> it's the mets
<BlueBoar> like metropolitan or something
<ppan> HAHA
<ppan> it's the metropolitans
<BlueBoar> lol
<ppan> i doubt that
<ppan> lol
<ppan> i just looked up the word
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- it really is metropolitans =)
<ppan> it means the base of tennis racket
[(qsex)] i know
[(qsex)] i'm trying to misguide her
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- LOL, haha
<BlueBoar> so strange though
[(qsex)] i got my sister to believe a colon was a 'square column' the other
[(qsex)] and that the unabomber is the united nations secret bomber plane
<BlueBoar> why would they name it after a tennis thing
<ppan> got me
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- lol! haha, how did u pull that one?
ppan scratches his head
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- or ones hehehe
<BlueBoar> I bet its something else
[(qsex)] oh yea, and i got her to ask my mom if my mom's favorite food was
'feces grande', a famous mexican dish
[(qsex)] man i got my ass chewed out lol
<BlueBoar> we should try to find out and see if it really is named after a
tennis thing
<ppan> i am
<ppan> one second
ppan searches web :)
<BlueBoar> ]lol
<BlueBoar> I going jnx the yankees
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- HAHAH, lol!
<qsex> i know the meaning of their name is somewhere on the mets website
<BlueBoar> oh
<ppan> Hum! Je mets mes tennis comme d'habitude, un
<ppan> pantalon
<ppan> there you go
<ppan> forign language
<ppan> but it says it
<BlueBoar> huh?
<ppan> the original mets baseball team
<ppan> was a tennis team
<ppan> lol
<ppan> they started as tennis players!!!
<ppan> ahahahaha
<ppan> no wonder they suck soo b ad
<ppan> lol
<ppan> er
<ppan> i didn't say that
<ppan> lol
<ppan> what that said in french
<ppan> is
<BlueBoar> hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<ppan> he switched out of his tennis clothing to play bball
<qsex> lol
<ppan> lol
<qsex> they were a good tennis team too
<ppan> hahaha
<ppan> yea, i'm reading that now
<ppan> lol
<ppan> so mets are good at tennis, but suck at bbal
<ppan> l
<ppan> lol
<ppan> hey Blueboar, you should root for the mets when they play tennis
<ppan> hahaha
<ppan> i don't think they play tennis anymore
<ppan> that's funny though
<ppan> mets started as a tennis team
<ppan> lol
<qsex> but in 1962 their owner had the team thrown out of tennis because of
how many refs they pissed off
<ppan> haha refs?
<qsex> well
<ppan> how'd they piss off the refs
<qsex> the person on the chair
<qsex> they would yell and scream
<qsex> and every player on the team was disqualified
BlueBoar whack whack whack
<ppan> lol
<ppan> y u whacking blueboar?
<qsex> so the owner knew he had to change something about the team, so i
guess they turned to baseball
<ppan> lol
<ppan> haha qsex
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- lol, u told him didnt u
<ppan> no kidding?
[(qsex)] no dude, i swear
<BlueBoar> lol
[(qsex)] i dunno what that whacking shit was about
<qsex> yah, pretty neat stuff, i'll go tell my mom, she'll be interested
<ppan> she like the mets?
<ppan> hahaha
<qsex> no
<BlueBoar> dey going win!
<qsex> she likes yankees
<ppan> i was kidding
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> hahahahahahhaa
<ppan> BlueBoar: your tennis team had to quit playing tennis
<ppan> haha
<BlueBoar> you lolohead
<qsex> she will tell the mets to go back to tennis
<ppan> they only play baseball because they sucked too bad to play tennis
<ppan> lol
<qsex> lol
<BlueBoar> so?
<ppan> wahaha
<BlueBoar> I no care
[(qsex)] should i tell him?
[(qsex)] lol
<BlueBoar> I just cheer for hawaii ppl
<ppan> i bet it's the hawiian's fault too
<ppan> lol
<ppan> he's too fat to play baseball
<ppan> !
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> not!!!
<BlueBoar> he not
<ppan> he makes the mets lose
<ppan> hehe
<BlueBoar> not
<ppan> i bet he has rainbows too
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- naa
<ppan> he's gay, huh?
<BlueBoar> he got mets IN the world series
<qsex> lol
<qsex> hahah
[(qsex)] how far should we take it?
<BlueBoar> he hit a home run
<ppan> i bet he 'scored' too
<ppan> with another teammatew
<ppan> lol
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- lets trace mets history before tennis
team back to a swimming team, then tell him
<BlueBoar> shuddup
<qsex> whoa
[(qsex)] lol ok
<ppan> what qsex?
<qsex> mets werent always a tennis team
<BlueBoar> he is nice guy
<ppan> WHAT?
<ppan> lol
<qsex> i know
<ppan> this gets better and better
<qsex> this is weird shit
<ppan> lol
<ppan> what were they?
<qsex> in like 1940's they were a swimming team!
<BlueBoar> aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[(qsex)] say they used to be called the 'wets'
[(qsex)] lol
<BlueBoar> lol
<ppan> HAHAHA
<qsex> their old name was the wets
<ppan> BlueBoar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<qsex> which rhymes with mets
<qsex> but of course
<ppan> your team is the wets!!!!!!!
<ppan> hahahahaha
<BlueBoar> shuddup
<ppan> they wet their pants too much
<ppan> so they got called the wets
<ppan> hahahaha
<qsex> because of hawaiins on the team, they were too slow in the water so
they went to tennis
<qsex> lol
<BlueBoar> mets going win
<BlueBoar> mets going win
<BlueBoar> mets going win
<ppan> mets going wets der pants
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> jdut wait
<ppan> wahaha
<BlueBoar> just
<ppan> your swimming team gona win?
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> shuddup
[(qsex)] now should i let it rip? lol
ppan splashes water on BlueBoar
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- hrmm, lol, i dunno
[(qsex)] i can't believe he hasn't caught on
[(qsex)] lol
[(qsex)] we won't hear the end of this for a while
<BlueBoar> hey!!!!
<ppan> now you're a 'wet' too
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> you like die???
<ppan> hrm
<ppan> i wouldn't care
<ppan> i'm content
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- i know! lol. maybe they should be a
track team before swimming...or maybe a group of farmers
that liked water and turned to swimming
[(qsex)] let me come up with it this time
<BlueBoar> I going put u in natto room forever!
<ppan> oh shit, qsex
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- lol, ok
<ppan> dude
<qsex> what?
<ppan> haha
<ppan> let me cut and paste this
<qsex> ok
<ppan> The Mets, who were once the wets, were originally farmers in the
upper states.
<ppan> In the late 1890's, George Peirce, a well-renowned swimmer in his
town, also
<ppan> a crop farmer (primarily corn, cotton, and wheats) decided to form
a swim
<ppan> team with fellow farmers. They called themselves the 'Wets'.
<ppan> hahahahahhaa
<ppan> BlueBoar!!!!!!!!!!
<ppan> hahahahahah
<ppan> your team is farmers!!!!!!!!!!!!
[(qsex)] i did a paste to make it realistic lol
<BlueBoar> not!!!!
<BlueBoar> not!!!!
<qsex> holy shit
<ppan> wahahaha
<qsex> lol
<ppan> i told you qsex
<ppan> lol
- -qsex(ident@...88.pikeonline.net)- nice =)
[(qsex)] thank you
[(qsex)] lol
<BlueBoar> I know that not true
<ppan> it's on the page
<qsex> they were farmers turned to swimmers turned to tennis players turned
to baseball players
<qsex> no wonder they suck!!
<ppan> lol
ppan farms up some baseballs
ppan grows some bats in the cornfields
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> shuddup!!!
<ppan> i can't find anything else on them
<ppan> they were probably cannibals before they were farmers or something
<qsex> lol
<BlueBoar> shuddup
<qsex> lol
<qsex> haha
<ppan> BlueBoar's team are farmers
<BlueBoar> I no care
<ppan> BlueBoar's team are farmers
<ppan> lol
<ppan> mooooooooooooo
<ppan> mooooooo
<ppan> baaaaaaahhh
<ppan> baaaaaaahhh
<BlueBoar> dey going win
<qsex> no they wont
<BlueBoar> jsut wait
<ppan> you mean, 'dey going swim'
<ppan> lol
<ppan> or farm?
<ppan> lol
<BlueBoar> dat too
ppan breaks out his pitchfork
<BlueBoar> betta den sinl
<BlueBoar> sink
[(qsex)] ahahaha he believes it now lol
<BlueBoar> yankees going sink
<ppan> lol
<ppan> in what?
<ppan> the met-farmer cowshit?
<BlueBoar> in the yankee doodle doo
<ppan> LOL
ppan high 5's BlueBoar, that WAS a good joke
<ppan> lol
<ppan> corny, but funny lol
<BlueBoar> hahahaha
<BlueBoar> so?
<BlueBoar> I no carte
<ppan> haha
<BlueBoar> care
<ppan> moooooo
<qsex> lol
<BlueBoar> lol
<qsex> hahaha
<BlueBoar> shuddup
[(qsex)] ok, i'm going to tell her, this has gone far enough lol
<ppan> hey BlueBoar
<BlueBoar> rule #1 !!!!!!!!!
*** ppan has changed the topic on #!cave to: We got you good BlueBoar!!!!!
<BlueBoar> and rule #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<qsex> lol
<BlueBoar> wot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<ppan> ahahahahahahaha
<BlueBoar> wot!!!!!!!!!
*** qsex has changed the topic on #!cave to: We got you good BlueBoar!!!!!
Sucker/Farmer/Swimmer/Tennis Player!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
<ppan> LOL@...!!
ppan dies
[msg(qsex)] put all this in a log
[msg(qsex)] lol
<BlueBoar> you guys going get it!!!!
<qsex> lol
<qsex> haha
<BlueBoar> I going get revenge!
<BlueBoar> find put what mets really mean
<BlueBoar> out
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