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Message-ID: <20050105134224.DA5AA7A8C8C@ws4-4.us4.outblaze.com>
From: kin186 at hackermail.com (White Self-Existing World-Bridger)
Subject: DMA[2005-0103a] - 'William LeFebvre "top" format
string vulnerability'
> Kevin Finisterre On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 04:38 notifies the vendor! 4 years
> later! This bug was found alive and kicking in the Solaris 10 Sun freeware
> package.
LOL! Yeah it seems a lot of interesting bugs slip through the cracks. I wonder
what other tasty morsels are lurking out there. Thanks for the PoC.
kin 186: White Self-Existing World-Bridger
I Define in order to Equalize
Measuring Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Self-Existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Spirit
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