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Message-ID: <425D371E.5030300@sdf.lonestar.org>
Date: Wed Apr 13 16:13:55 2005
From: bkfsec at sdf.lonestar.org (bkfsec)
Subject: How to Report a
Security VulnerabilitytoMicrosoft
mcbain@....com wrote:
> I dont believe even with a staff of 100k people that one could come up
> with a conceivable testing environment for every possible network
> setup in this world, could you?
In my opinion, an attitude like this is part of the problem. (No
offense meant by this.. it's not directed at you personally.)
Obviously, there are an infinite combination of network configurations.
Obviously, you have to draw a line somewhere. Obviously there are
variables you can't control.
However, isn't one of the great arguments for proprietary software that
the vendors can control the software and avoid problems like this? Why
is it that I have more faith that a patch on the GNU/Linux system is not
going to break my system than I have that a patch tested by MS for 6
months won't break my MS Windows system?
This is not to say that Free Software programs are necessarily
programmed in a better way than Proprietary MS Windows software, but its
base design does tend to be better.
If an OS is coherently and solidly designed, the infinite number of
combinations of network layouts shouldn't matter. If a protocol/API is
designed well, it is by definition predictable. If an OS is designed
well, it is also, by definition, predictable. If you have to replicate
every single concievable testing scenario to ensure that your software
won't break, you're doing something wrong.
Now, I have no problem with exhaustive testing - I'm a big fan of it.
However, there is a limit to it. If you test all of the potential
causes of trouble on the network (hardware interfaces, network stack,
the applications used) and each portion by itself conforms to the
standard and is functional, then that should generalize. If having a
completely unrelated program or utility on those systems screws things
up, you have a fundamental design issue, and further testing will not
save you.
This is why patching on MS Windows requires so much testing and trial
and error: there are fundamental design issues in MS Windows which force
people to harbor the "but you can't test all specific cases" attitude.
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