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Message-ID: <43FF76E6.1080301@csuohio.edu>
Date: Fri Feb 24 21:13:29 2006
From: michael.holstein at csuohio.edu (Michael Holstein)
Subject: Automated Vulnerability Scanners
> Can anyone reccommend a perl based nessus wrapper that has the ability
> to dump results into a mysql database?
Here is what I use. I wrote this a while ago (before I got better at
Perl) .. feel free to criticize -- or improve upon -- this. It's got
some debugging stuff in there commented out that I never removed. Be nice.
(If this wraps and gets ugly -- feel free to email offlist and I'll send
as attachment).
If you want the database schema, I can send that too. I also have
reporting scripts that generate nifty departmental emails to various
people once a week telling them what to fix (also in perl).
Anyway ..
Here is how you run nessus, then involke this script :
/usr/local/nessus/bin/nessus -x -c myrcfile.rc -T nbe -q nessus_host
1241 nessus_user nessus_passwd ipinputfile outputfile.nbe
cat outputfile.nbe | nice -n 20 ./nessusimport.pl
This is pretty fast .. can process an entire test from a /16 and input
the results into MySQL in about 5 minutes.
Michael Holstein CISSP GCIA
Cleveland State University
use Net::SMTP;
use Date::Manip;
our $TZ = 'US/Eastern';
use DBI();
#connect to the database server
#DBI->trace(1, "trace.log"); #uncomment to log all DBI stuff
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$DATABASE;host=$HOST",
$USERNAME, $PASSWORD, {'RaiseError' => 1}) || die "Unable to connect:
while ( <STDIN> )
@results = split '\||\|\|';
@results[6] =~ tr/;/\n/;
@results[6] =~ tr/"/'/;
@results[5] = "7";
@results[5] = '1' if (@results[6] =~ "Risk factor : Critical");
@results[5] = '1' if (@results[6] =~ "Risk factor : Serious");
@results[5] = '1' if (@results[6] =~ "Risk factor : High");
@results[5] = '2' if (@results[6] =~ "Risk factor : Medium");
@results[5] = '2' if (@results[6] =~ "Risk factor : Medium/Low");
@results[5] = '3' if (@results[6] =~ "Risk factor : Low/Medium");
@results[5] = '3' if (@results[6] =~ "Risk factor : Low");
@results[6] =~ s`Risk factor : Critical``;
@results[6] =~ s`Risk factor : High``;
@results[6] =~ s`Risk factor : Serious``;
@results[6] =~ s`Risk factor : Medium``;
@results[6] =~ s`Risk factor : Medium/Low``;
@results[6] =~ s`Risk factor : Low/Medium``;
@results[6] =~ s`Risk factor : Low``;
for (@results[0]) { s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//; }
for (@results[1]) { s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//; }
for (@results[2]) { s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//; }
for (@results[3]) { s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//; }
for (@results[4]) { s/\<//g;s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//; }
for (@results[5]) { s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//; }
for (@results[6]) { s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//;s/\'/\\'/g;}
my $ip = &dot2dec(@results[2]);
next unless ($ip > 0);
$timestamp = UnixDate(@results[4], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
#condition 1 (entry is a timestamp for end of host scan)
if (@results[0] eq "timestamps" and @results[3] =~
'host_end|host_start') {
# print "Condition 1 Matched\n";
#condition 2 (entry is a result record)
if (@results[0] eq "results" and @results[5] < 7) {
# print "Condition 2 Matched\n";
else {
#turn dotted quad into decimal
sub dot2dec {
my $address = @_[0];
($a, $b, $c, $d) = split '\.', $address;
$decimal = $d + ($c * 256) + ($b * 256**2) + ($a * 256**3);
return $decimal;
#turn decimal into dotted
sub dec2dot {
my $address = @_[0];
$d = $address % 256; $address -= $d; $address /= 256;
$c = $address % 256; $address -= $c; $address /= 256;
$b = $address % 256; $address -= $b; $address /= 256;
$a = $address;
return $dotted;
#find IP in master table
sub findmainip {
my $query = $dbh->prepare("select idmain,mainip from ipmain
where mainip = '@_[0]'");
$query->execute || die "Unable to locate IP in table ipmain:
@mainip = $query->fetchrow_array;
return @mainip;
#update/add IP×tamp in master table
sub updatemainip {
my $query = $dbh->prepare("select * from ipmain where
$query->execute || die "Unable to locate IP in table ipmain:
@mainip = $query->fetchrow_array;
if (@mainip[0]) {
$dbh->do("update ipmain set lastnessus='@_[1]' where
idmain='@...nip[0]'") || die "problem with updatemainip 1:$dbh->errstr\n";
# print "updated values lastnessus=@_[1] where
else {
$dbh->do("insert into ipmain (mainip,lastnessus) values
('@_[0]','@_[1]')") || die "problem with updatemainip 2:$dbh->errstr\n";
# print "inserted values mainip=@_[0], lastnessus=@_[1]\n";
#find last nessus timestamp for some IP
sub findnessustimestamp {
my $query = $dbh->prepare("select idmain,lastnessus from ipmain
where mainip='@_[0]'") || die "problem with findnessustimestamp:
$query->execute || die "Unable to locate nessus timestamp in
table ipmain: $dbh->errsrt\n";
@nessustime = $query->fetchrow_array;
return @nessustime;
#update/add nessus results records in nessusresults table
sub updatenessus {
my $query = $dbh->prepare("select * from nessusresults where
nessushost='@_[1]' and scriptid='@_[3]'") || die "problem with
updatenessus 1:$dbh->errstr\n";
$query->execute || die "Unable to locate record in
NessusResults: $dbh->errstr\n";
@nessus = $query->fetchrow_array;
if (@nessus[0]) {
$dbh->do("update nessusresults set domain='@_[0]',
nessushost='@_[1]', service='@_[2]', scriptid='@_[3]', risk='@_[4]',
timestamp='@_[5]', msg='@_[6]' where idnessus='@...sus[0]'") || die
"problem with updatenessus 2: $dbh->errstr\n";
# print "updated values domain=@_[0], host=@_[1],
service=@_[2], script=@_[3], risk=@_[4], time=@_[5], msg=@_[6]\n";
else {
$dbh->do("insert into nessusresults
(domain,nessushost,service,scriptid,risk,timestamp,msg) values
('@_[0]','@_[1]','@_[2]','@_[3]','@_[4]','@_[5]','@_[6]')") || die
"problem with updatenessus 3: $dbh->errstr\n";
# print "inserted values domain=@_[0], host=@_[1],
service=@_[2], script=@_[3], risk=@_[4], time=@_[5], msg=@_[6]\n";
sub updatestats {
$dbh->do("insert into nessusstats
(domain,nessushost,service,scriptid,risk,timestamp) values
('@_[0]','@_[1]','@_[2]','@_[3]','@_[4]','@_[5]')") || die "problem with
updatestats 1: $dbh->errsrt\n";
# print "inserted stats values domain=@_[0], host=@_[1],
service=@_[2], script=@_[3], risk=@_[4], time=@_[5]\n";
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