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Message-id: <466EE154.20807@education.ucsb.edu>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:09:24 -0700
From: Andrew Redman <aredman@...cation.ucsb.edu>
To: full-disclosure@...ts.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: Safari for Windows,
0day URL protocol handler command injection
I wouldn't put it past Apple to steal associations in a nearly silent
manner so that Safari becomes the default browser for untold numbers of
Itunes users. How many of those with serious clue deficiencies would be
willing or able to change all of those associations back? Apple could
make Safari reclaim its default browser status every time Itunes opens.
Its all rather shady, but Apple could gain a large market share chunk
very rapidly just by irritating their users a bit.
I rather hope that Apple decides now is a decent time to develop some
morals. Also I hope they don't get any ideas from this message.
- Andrew Redman
Larry Seltzer wrote:
>>> Apple released version 3 of their popular Safari web browser today,
> with the added twist of offering both an OS X and a Windows version.
> Given that Apple has had a lousy track record with security on OS X, in
> addition to a hostile attitude towards security researchers, a lot of
> people are expecting to see quite a number of vulnerabilities targeted
> towards this new Windows browser.
> Joe Wilcox here at eWEEK is speculating, as are others, that Apple could
> start bundling Safari with the Windows iTunes software
> (http://www.microsoft-watch.com/content/web_services_browser/do_we_reall
> y_need_another_windows_browser.html). They have already done this with
> QuickTime. Safari could develop installed base quickly that way.
> Larry Seltzer
> eWEEK.com Security Center Editor
> http://security.eweek.com/
> http://blogs.eweek.com/cheap_hack/
> Contributing Editor, PC Magazine
> larryseltzer@...fdavis.com
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