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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:00:19 +0200
From: "Dr. Neal Krawetz PhD" <>
To: coderman <>,
Subject: Re: Dear Neal Krawetz,
	will the real n3td3v please stand up?

If you believe my method(s) was flawed, then demonstrate your claim(s).

I used a repeatable scientific proof that conclusively proves my
findings.  People constantly criticize me, claiming that I am wrong.
However not one of these people are able to offer a valid scientific
argument against me or my methods!  

You are acting like an uneducated child.  Is this where you are?  Did
you even attend a school of higher learning?  I should hope that no
respected academic institution would allow such a pea-brained fool as
yourself entrance!

Grow up, learn, and come back to speak with me once you've learned what
logic is and how to apply it.  Until then you are nothing.  You are the
sort of person that believes bananas are proof that there is a God, when
the truth is there is no God.  You simple-minded doofus.

- neal

On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 05:42:07PM -0700, coderman wrote:
> On 6/18/07, HACK THE GOV <> wrote:
> > n3td3v is NOT Gobbles
> > Gobbles is NOT n3td3v
> a biased mind peers into the chasm that is full-disclosure:
> <Dr._Neal_Krawetz,_PhD.> "my god, it's full of [n3td3v | GOBBLES] !!!"
> ... your paper was interesting and inherently flawed; may you one day
> discover the concept of "compounded errors".
> consider GOBBLES the slim shady; n3td3v the pimply imitator in a ford
> festiva with plywood spoiler.  all you see is one annoyance, while
> intact intellect discerns the substance from the shallow.
> don't worry, i'm only pissing on your expert security credentials, Dr.
> Neal Krawetz, PhD., because i too am n3td3v... disguised via
> artificial intelligence softwarez!
> "L'enfer, c'est les autres" - Sartre
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