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Message-Id: <20090223204922.D431D28042@smtp.hushmail.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:49:22 -0500
From: bobby.mugabe@...hmail.com
To: full-disclosure@...ts.grok.org.uk, krymson@...il.com
Subject: Re: [SCADASEC] 11. Re: SCADA Security - Software
Hash: SHA1
Mr. Krymson,
1. Valdis' replies fall under other commonly used Latin phrases,
such as "ad nauseam" that the slightly educated use in conversation
to attempt emulation of both higher levels of education and
intelligence than they actually possess. Nice try, you fucking
2. Who the fuck are you and why should we, the security community,
care about your feelings toward Mr. Kletnieks? He has never once
offered a technical response to anything, and if anything has only
demonstrated an inability to grasp simple technical concepts.
Valdis says very little, but I suppose we must give him credit for
the frequency and length of how often he says that.
Perhaps one day you'll have joined him in his esteemed rank of
moustached village idiot.
et cetera, et cetera.
- - bm
On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 09:57:06 -0500 Michael Krymson
<krymson@...il.com> wrote:
>1- We could do this ad infinitum, but "this list's lack of usual
>does not mean your opinion is
>either respected, welcomed, or desired by anyone," Mr. Mugabe. But
>hey, at
>least Valdis was on topic, right? Circular arguments get us
>2- Further, I for one welcome Valdis' opinions. He is well-
>makes excellent points, and regularly demonstrates a high degree
>intelligence and understanding. Quite frankly, that earns much
>more respect
>than whiney immature posts like the below. So, that makes one
>person on this
>list who welcomes it, and not the "no one" you were implying when
>you seemed
>to speak for an entire list...
>On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 11:28 AM, <bobby.mugabe@...hmail.com>
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Mr. Kletnieks,
>> This list's lack of usual moderation does not mean your opinion
>> either respected, welcomed, or desired by anyone. Like my
>> always says, "Give a nigger a podium and he'll rap for anyone.
>> Give a white man a podium and he'll beat his chest like a
>> and spew mindless propaganda to anyone that will listen with the
>> hope that the senseless banter will impress those less
>> than he."
>> And you, my friend, are not black.
>> - -bm
>> On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 21:30:01 -0500 Valdis.Kletnieks@...edu
>> >On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 09:24:29 EST, Smoking Gun said:
>> >
>> >> Ironically, your own quote"company"quote offered penetration
>> >testing
>> >> services at the insane pricing scheme of "we'll pentest0r joo
>> >for free
>> >> and if we find something you can pay us to find other
>> >
>> >And how, exactly, is that an "insane" pricing scheme? If you
>> >think about
>> >it for a bit, it actually makes quite a bit of sense - Snosoft
>> >needs to prove
>> >they're in fact good enough to be able to find the holes you're
>> >paying them
>> >to find, or it doesn't cost anything.
>> >
>> >That *sure* as hell beats paying $100K for a pen test, and then
>> >finding out
>> >that you hired a bunch of asswipes who can't find holes.
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