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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 23:06:55 +0000
From: "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]"
To: Victor Rigo <>
Subject: Re: Andrew Auernheimer aka weev accused of
 peddling kiddie porn, sexual blackmail against woman

Jesus christ, this is not appropriate for full disclosure. STFU.

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 10:17 PM, Victor Rigo <> wrote:

> Excerpt from Victim's page:
> 4) Photos!
> So, most of you already know how this happened. I had a boyfriend for three
> years who lived across the country. I loved him dearly, and considered him
> my soulmate at the time. We sent each other photos. Anyone would in that
> situation. Stupidly, I uploaded some photos to my private photobucket
> account and forgot about them until looong after our break-up, when those
> photos somehow resurfaced on a porn site. Apparently, some guy had fuskered
> them (used a program to change the file names until unearthing private
> photos) and posted them. Many of these photos were taken when I was 16 (you
> idiots, check the timestamp). The only reason I don't try to get these down
> off ED or take legal action, which I easily could, is because I don't like
> to deal with trolls. Their game is tedious and pointless. If you ignore
> them, they eventually go away.
> 5) Why I am hated by 4channers!
> Here's the deal. I originally attempted to get a small excerpt about me on
> Neil's ED page taken down. The mods seemed reasonable at first.
> Except when it came to me. Weev, the master of some arbitration chat or
> something, and I had a little conversation over IM in which he told me that,
> in order to take the link to my photos down, I would have to sleep with him
> in a hotel room.
> "Weev: i'm an attractive guy
> Weev: you want something
> Weev: i have it
> Weev: you have something
> Weev: i want it"
> I rejected him (whether or not he was trolling me, I still don't know), and
> to punish me, a [Victim] ED article was started. An article all to myself!
>  Archives
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> Encyclopedia Dramatica is a Criminal Enterprise.
> Victor Rigo, CISSP
> Independent Computer Security Consultant
> Buenos Aires, AR
> +5411-4316-1901
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