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Message-ID: <1294476922.23999.7.camel@jc-hackpad>
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2011 09:55:22 +0100
From: phocean <>
To: "John R. Dennison" <>
Subject: Re: Andrew Auernheimer aka weev accused of
 peddling kiddie porn, sexual blackmail against woman

Sure, what are the moderators doing ?

I am personnally disgusted by this kind of stuff. They are some people
really sick, it is scary to see what humans and modern societies are

Anyway, it is far too much and too frequent. So much that I consider
Aren't there any better alternative to FD ?

Le vendredi 07 janvier 2011 à 17:16 -0600, John R. Dennison a écrit :
> On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 11:06:55PM +0000, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] wrote:
> > Jesus christ, this is not appropriate for full disclosure. STFU.
> > 
> 	Of course it isn't appropriate but until the moderators wish
> 	to stop allowing this swill through railing against it is
> 	pointless.  Honestly, nothing about weev should ever appear in
> 	this forum; there is too much insanity surrounding such posts
> 	for them ever to be useful.
> 							John
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