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Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 07:16:27 -0700
From: "John Horn" <>
To: "phocean" <>,<>
Subject: Re: Andrew Auernheimer aka weev
	accused	ofpeddling kiddie porn, sexual blackmail against woman

and there is Aleph One's bugtraq, its moderated, so it has a lot more useful info with a lot less personality. There are others as well.

John Horn
City of Tucson, IT Department
Network Services (Network security)
Phone: (520) 837-6036
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>>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at  8:50 AM, in message <9624.1294501843@...alhost>, <> wrote:

On Sat, 08 Jan 2011 09:55:22 +0100, phocean said:
> Anyway, it is far too much and too frequent. So much that I consider unsubscribing.
> Aren't there any better alternative to FD ?

procmail is your friend.

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