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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:11:08 +0100
From: Christian Sciberras <>
To: Владимир Воронцов <>
Cc: Full disclosure <>
Subject: Re: Oddities of PHP file access in Windows (R).
 Cheat-sheet [maybe 0day]

Yay, another PHP bashing paper. *cool*

Sarcasm aside, this is all the more reason why one should validate/filter
user input.
The paper's details are new to me, however, as a web developer I can
confidently say that my filename-management-related routines are completely
safe against this attack.
Why? Because special characters such as those mentioned in the paper (which
by the way, aren't valid filename characters), are replaced be a legal and
safe alternative (such as a dash or underscore).

We can blame PHP's magic. Then again you can blame C and C++'s pointer magic
is the biggest security bug ever.

Or you can blame the human factor behind the end, defective, product.

Either-case, interesting study. My only complaint? Keep uninformed opinion
to yourself next time though, it only dirties you arguments.


On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Владимир Воронцов <> wrote:

> Hello Full-Disclosure!
> Abstract
> Notorious web development language, PHP, is under constant watch of the
> hackers, security
> researchers and other persons who just love to tinker around some stuff.
> Numerous vulnerabilities and
> bugs of PHP interpreter regularly highlights bug-tracks, wakes up
> administrators and burdens the minds
> of web site owners. And we never can know what nifty tricks PHP
> interpreter had reserved for our next
> day. In this paper we will describe details about how PHP treats file
> names on Windows operating
> systems, regarding the presence of different fuzzy characters
> Original English article:
> --
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Vorontsov
> ONsec security expert
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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