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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 07:35:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Aaron <>
To: Nelson Brito <>,,,
Subject: Re: [Dailydave] [TOOL RELEASE] T50 Sukhoi PAK FA
	Mixed Packet Injector v2.45r-H2HC

I don't see the "wow" factor from this tool? Perhaps I forgot to take my  "super 
l33t" pills, but I fail to see how this is different from  something like 
tcpreplay, which not only does any packet(s) desired, but  can pull them from an 
existing packet capture (and even edit those  packets on the fly) allowing one 
to truly customize the traffic as much  as possible. Additionally, I looked at 
this tool hoping for some  "exciting" new code, but found nothing which people 
writing router /  gateway software haven't known for years. In fact, you didn't 
even do  intelligent checksum recalculation (ie: store a "base" checksum  
somewhere, and just do some quick delta calculation on it), and you  didn't take 
advantage of packet_mmap on linux (zero copy seems like good  juju for 
high-speed network transmission); HECK you're running from a  single context of 
execution, instead of trying to execute on all  available cores (which could add 
some scalability, depending on the  architecture). 

I don't want to sound like I'm a total negative nancy - and certainly  security 
is a hobby domain, not my primary area of expertise, but you  posted this to a 
publicly available forum, so I suppose you were looking  for some type of 
vetting, criticism, and feedback. My feedback would be  to contribute to 
tcpreplay. There's nothing that your tool offers as an  advantage (from a 
cursory glance, your tool appears to be hping  --flood) to any available 
options; there's nothing unique that I saw.

Additionally, my noscript caught a click-jacking attempt from your homepage when 
I went to download the file. I might suggest a better file serving mechanism. 


From: Nelson Brito <>
Sent: Tue, January 11, 2011 2:43:35 PM
Subject: [Dailydave] [TOOL RELEASE] T50 Sukhoi PAK FA Mixed Packet Injector 

T50 Sukhoi PAK FA Mixed Packet Injector (f.k.a. F22 Raptor) is a tool
designed to perform "Stress Testing". It is a powerful and an unique packet
injection tool, that is capable of:
1. Send sequentially (i.e., ALMOST on the same time) the following
   - ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol
   - IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol
   - TCP:  Transmission Control Protocol
   - UDP:  User Datagram Protocol

2. Send an (quite) incredible amount of packets per second, making it a
“second to none” tool:
   - More than 1,000,000 pps of SYN Flood (+50% of the network’s uplink) in
a 1000BASE-T Network (Gigabit Ethernet).
   - More than 120,000 pps of SYN Flood (+60% of the network’s uplink) in a
100BASE-TX Network (Fast Ethernet).

3. Perform “Stress Testing” on a variety of network infrastructure, network
devices and security solutions in place.

4. Simulate Denial-of-Service attacks, validating the Firewall rules and
Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System policies.

Further information can be found @ (demo video
and source code).

PS: Yes, there are some "anti-kiddo" tricks, so, please, don't blame me for
doing that...

The new version of the "T50 Sukhoi PAK FA Mixed Packet Injector" (v5.2-NG)
will be unleashed on "WEB Security Forum" (
/ April 9th-10th 2011 / São Paulo, Brazil).

The next release will include:
1. New License: It is still not licensed under GPL or any other common
Open-source license, but the source code will be available and the use of
any piece of source code for any free or commercial software is denied.

2. CIDR Support: Classless Inter-Domain Routing support for destination IP
address, using a really tiny C algorithm. This would allow the "T50 Sukhoi
PAK FA Mixed Packet Injector" to simulate DDoS in a laboratory environment.

   001 netmask = ~(0xffffffff>>cidr);
   002 hostid = (int)(pow(2,(32-cidr))-2);
   003 __1st_host = (ntohl(addr)&netmask)+1;
   004 __lst_host = (ntohl(addr)&netmask)+hostid;

3. TEN NEW Protocols: TEN (10) more protocols supported by "T50 Sukhoi PAK
FA Mixed Packet Injector" (IGMPv3, EGP, DCCP, RSVP, RIPv1, RIPv2, GRE, ESP,
AH and EIGRP).

4. Exotic Protocols: Advanced options and protocol crafting for EIGRP and
GRE were added, allowing users to make any combination while using those
exotic protocols. By the way, EIGRP is a proprietary protocol developed by
CISCO Systems, Inc.

5. TCP Options Support: TCP Options (MSS, NOP, EOL, WSCALE, TSTAMP, T/TCP CC
and SACK) are supported to improve the TCP protocol.

6. DATA Payload Support: The data payload support is back, and it can be
rand or user defined.

Best regards.

Nelson Brito
Security Researcher

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