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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 07:27:30 -0500
From: Steve Pinkham <>
To: Juan Sacco <>
Subject: Re: [VIDEO] Keylogger, RecordMic and Shell

On 01/25/2011 11:59 PM, Juan Sacco wrote:
> Steve, yes you can! :-)
> Let me know by email when you are ready! and I hope you could make a
> personal review of Insect Pro 2.0 when you get a copy :P
> BTW I will change that word "licence" is consufing i guess, 
> Thanks for support our software
> Juan Sacco
> -- 

Ok, I need to know a few things to choose an appropriate place to host,
and if it is legal for me to do so:

1) What is the license?
2) What is included that you don't hold the copyright to?
3) What is the size of the download?

 | Steven Pinkham, Security Consultant    |
 |           |
 | GPG public key ID CD31CAFB             |

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