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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 16:00:48 +0100
From: Andreas Kersche <>
Subject: Re: Full-Disclosure Digest, Vol 72, Issue 6

Narcissm in final stage. Is it a joke or a social engineering attack or 
both? Real Hackers know that they know nothing in the security area. 
Humility is the foundation for a good hacker not TV, Hacker conferences, 
... Never be proud on your Security+, CISSP certifications or whatever. 
You can buy this on your local supermarket. This is real hacker ethics 
in my mind.

On 03/02/11 13:00, wrote:
> Send Full-Disclosure mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Full-Disclosure digest..."
> Note to digest recipients - when replying to digest posts, please trim your post appropriately. Thank you.
> Today's Topics:
>     1. Re: An enemy of the infosec community needs to be brought to
>        justice (Christian Sciberras)
>     2. Re: An enemy of the infosec community needs to be brought to
>        justice (Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd])
>     3. Re: An enemy of the infosec community needs to be	brought to
>        justice (bk)
>     4. Re: An enemy of the infosec community needs to be brought to
>        justice (Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd])
>     5. Re: An enemy of the infosec community needs to be brought to
>        justice (coderman)
>     6. Re: An enemy of the infosec community needs to be brought to
>        justice (Hack Talk)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 01:06:40 +0100
> From: Christian Sciberras<>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] An enemy of the infosec community needs
> 	to be brought to justice
> To:
> Cc:
> Message-ID:
> 	<>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I must admit this is the first time I heard about this person.
> I did the obvious, running a Google search on his name, coming up with the
> following page:
> I sure hope that is NOT in fact his page. Surely an "entrepreneur" knows how
> to writing visually appeasing websites, which even a 10 year old could do.
> Assuming the above is in fact his site, I took the liberty to criticize
> those supposedly "facts".
> #1 - I know of another guy that did a similar thing to AT&T. Got caught over
> drug issues.
> #2 - Some people are permanently glued to TV. Plus, you need acting skills
> to appear on TV, not "hacking".
> #3 - Whatever. I've repeatedly taught people my own age (an sometimes older)
> certain aspects of a certain industry. Not a biggie really.
> #4 - Gregory D Evans invented GPS?!! (I was being sarcastic)
> #5 - I know a guy that wrote the world's best seller over a security-related
> fiction story. He doesn't count himself as the "World's #1 Hacker".
> #6 - Uhm, there's always a fist time. Successful writers are usually good at
> it.
> #7 - Uh, nope?! How exactly does Mr Evans track downloading of his
> competitors?
> #8 - Irrelevant.
> #9 - Irrelevant. (hint: how many such companies actually exist? the only one
> != the best one can get)
> #10 - The effectiveness of such courses could be more relevant. As an
> independent developer, I realized one can learn from a 4-hour tutorial more
> than one can get from a whole year of CS at Uni.
> #11 - Well, there's company which is the only one in history to serve our
> company. What about it?
> #12 - Must have took a long time to realize this after #6.
> #13 - So what? Lots of people writes mobile applications. Speaking of
> myself, I write real software, not package some sh*t in a "mobile
> application" and call it a masterpiece.
> #14 - Irrelevant.
> #15 - Only a fool would enjoy his stay of "Fools Weekly". If both channels
> have casual viewers as the intended audience, I doubt his stay served any
> purpose. Now, if it were a BBC documentary, I'd give some credit...
> #16 - Might be because no one else sees it worthwhile?
> #17 - Oh God. Seriously.
> #18 - I was pretty sure "" was much more popular. Either case,
> appearances may not mean anything. You'd be surprised what a monster of a PC
> could be hidden behind a P2-era case...
> #19 - It all comes down to what the adjective, "largest", is applied to. For
> instance, if it applied to "ugliness and hot air", I'd wholeheartedly agree.
> #20 - Uh, no 20?!
> It's worth to note that a little time into writing this, I noticed his
> WORDPRESS site was DOWN (or, uhm, seems like someone flipped over a switch
> ;) or several..). Well, Wordpress is a good platform, but his site really
> puts Wordpress to shame.
> Well, maybe while fixing his site, he might consider getting a professional
> 10-year-old to do it. Maybe great hackers don't have the time to design
> visually appeasing stuff, who knows!
> Cheerio,
> Chris.
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 7:19 PM,<>  wrote:
>> "Do not meddle in the affairs of hackers, for they are subtle and quick
>> to anger"
>> When one thinks of frauds in the infosec community, most people are
>> quick to point to Gregory D Evans of LIGATT Security. He's been on TV,
>> he's been on radio, he's trying to draw as much attention to himself as
>> possible. This man in no way represents this industry
>> Many people have done good work in trying to bring him down, and many
>> of those people have put themselves directly in his line of fire. He's
>> gone after people at their home to intimidate them and their family.
>> He's gone after them at their work to discredit them with their
>> employer. And as everyone knows, he recklessly sues anyone who speaks
>> negatively of him on the internet.
>> Enough is enough. He must be stopped by any means necessary. To that
>> end, at the end of this message is a torrent of the inbox of
>>; the only condition of receipt is that you not
>> talk about the spool or this email release on twitter until after you
>> have the full copy and are seeding it. He may be an idiot but his staff
>> watch twitter for any mention of him, and it's imperative that this
>> file be distributed as much as possible before takedown begins.
>> This release immediately follows with a small regret. Apologies much be
>> given to all the bystanders, innocent or otherwise. Contained within
>> his inbox is personal information of many, many people. Social security
>> numbers, bank account routing numbers, credit reports, and other
>> reports by private investigators. It was completely impractical to
>> redact all of this information in any effective manner, and for that:
>> sadness. If in your search through this release you find personal
>> information, please contact the person and notify them. Even when GDE
>> finds out of this breach, it's quite unlikely that he will follow
>> proper breach notification procedures.
>> To the victims of Gregory Evans: please speak out. Defend yourself with
>> the law. Your cause is righteous but he can only be brought to justice
>> with your help. Don't stop fighting for integrity and truthfulness.
>> To the employees and former employees of Gregory Evans: please speak
>> out. We have read about the illegal treatment of you all; do not stand
>> idly by. Talk to a lawyer about what he has subjected you to. Many of
>> you have seen his illegal acts and some even asked to perform some on
>> his behalf. This man is a con artist and will only continue to
>> victimize people.
>> To the partners and directors of Gregory Evans' many companies: shame
>> on you. You took the easy way, following a crooked man in pursuit of
>> money. Get out now while you still can. All that he has promised you
>> will very soon disappear. If you decide to hang on, you will be brought
>> down with him.
>> To the brave soul who helped make this possible: thank you. You took
>> great personal risk to bring this information forward, and none of it
>> would be possible without you. It's unclear how you tolerate his lies
>> day after day, but you've redeemed yourself by supporting this cause.
>> Finally, to Gregory D Evans: it is done. All your lies are out in the
>> open. Your investors will know. Your lawyers will know. Your employees
>> will know. Your mother will know. Your lovers will know. Just step away
>> and move on. Stop the stock scams. Stop the lawsuits. Stop the
>> harassment. Stop robbing your employees. Stop embezzling. Stop
>> deceiving every person in your life. When your child grows up and
>> learns about you, the only legacy you'll be leaving is one of deception
>> and fraud.
>> Happy Birthday Mr. Evans
>> archive password will be released shortly
>> _______________________________________________
>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>> Charter:
>> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 23:01:25 +0000
> From: "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]"
> 	<>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] An enemy of the infosec community needs
> 	to be brought to justice
> To:
> Cc:
> Message-ID:
> 	<>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> How about you give some real examples of why he is considered to be a "fraud
> in the infosec community".
> I know nothing of LIGATT security, nor this Gregory character, but one must
> notice that the person who posted this thread, didn't even have the balls to
> post using their real details. Or to quote a famous movie "I bet you'd f*ck
> a guy in the ass and not even have the common decency to give him a reach
> around".
> Tbh, even if he is considered a fraud, that doesn't make him any different
> than the majority of the asshats in the so called "infosec community", the
> only difference is he has been on TV/Radio and thus has had more public
> attention.
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 6:19 PM,<>  wrote:
>> "Do not meddle in the affairs of hackers, for they are subtle and quick
>> to anger"
>> When one thinks of frauds in the infosec community, most people are
>> quick to point to Gregory D Evans of LIGATT Security. He's been on TV,
>> he's been on radio, he's trying to draw as much attention to himself as
>> possible. This man in no way represents this industry
>> Many people have done good work in trying to bring him down, and many
>> of those people have put themselves directly in his line of fire. He's
>> gone after people at their home to intimidate them and their family.
>> He's gone after them at their work to discredit them with their
>> employer. And as everyone knows, he recklessly sues anyone who speaks
>> negatively of him on the internet.
>> Enough is enough. He must be stopped by any means necessary. To that
>> end, at the end of this message is a torrent of the inbox of
>>; the only condition of receipt is that you not
>> talk about the spool or this email release on twitter until after you
>> have the full copy and are seeding it. He may be an idiot but his staff
>> watch twitter for any mention of him, and it's imperative that this
>> file be distributed as much as possible before takedown begins.
>> This release immediately follows with a small regret. Apologies much be
>> given to all the bystanders, innocent or otherwise. Contained within
>> his inbox is personal information of many, many people. Social security
>> numbers, bank account routing numbers, credit reports, and other
>> reports by private investigators. It was completely impractical to
>> redact all of this information in any effective manner, and for that:
>> sadness. If in your search through this release you find personal
>> information, please contact the person and notify them. Even when GDE
>> finds out of this breach, it's quite unlikely that he will follow
>> proper breach notification procedures.
>> To the victims of Gregory Evans: please speak out. Defend yourself with
>> the law. Your cause is righteous but he can only be brought to justice
>> with your help. Don't stop fighting for integrity and truthfulness.
>> To the employees and former employees of Gregory Evans: please speak
>> out. We have read about the illegal treatment of you all; do not stand
>> idly by. Talk to a lawyer about what he has subjected you to. Many of
>> you have seen his illegal acts and some even asked to perform some on
>> his behalf. This man is a con artist and will only continue to
>> victimize people.
>> To the partners and directors of Gregory Evans' many companies: shame
>> on you. You took the easy way, following a crooked man in pursuit of
>> money. Get out now while you still can. All that he has promised you
>> will very soon disappear. If you decide to hang on, you will be brought
>> down with him.
>> To the brave soul who helped make this possible: thank you. You took
>> great personal risk to bring this information forward, and none of it
>> would be possible without you. It's unclear how you tolerate his lies
>> day after day, but you've redeemed yourself by supporting this cause.
>> Finally, to Gregory D Evans: it is done. All your lies are out in the
>> open. Your investors will know. Your lawyers will know. Your employees
>> will know. Your mother will know. Your lovers will know. Just step away
>> and move on. Stop the stock scams. Stop the lawsuits. Stop the
>> harassment. Stop robbing your employees. Stop embezzling. Stop
>> deceiving every person in your life. When your child grows up and
>> learns about you, the only legacy you'll be leaving is one of deception
>> and fraud.
>> Happy Birthday Mr. Evans
>> archive password will be released shortly
>> _______________________________________________
>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>> Charter:
>> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 16:17:30 -0800
> From: bk<>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] An enemy of the infosec community needs
> 	to be	brought to justice
> To: Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
> 	<>
> Cc:,
> Message-ID:<>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Feb 2, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] wrote:
>> How about you give some real examples of why he is considered to be a "fraud in the infosec community".
> Many interesting frauds here:
> --
> chort
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 00:53:47 +0000
> From: "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]"
> 	<>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] An enemy of the infosec community needs
> 	to be brought to justice
> To: bk<>,,
> Message-ID:
> 	<>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> Here?s a better formatted version, as the bio now seems to be ?down? lol.
> Facts About Gregory Evans
> Fact 1 ? Gregory Evans was ordered to pay back $10 million to AT&T, MCI and
> other fortune 500 companies due to computer hacking.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #1 - I know of another guy that did a similar thing
> to AT&T. Got caught over drug issues.
> Fact 2 ? According to Nielsen Audience, 3,043,600 people listened to Gregory
> Evans speak in 2010 on national television and radio stations.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #2 - Some people are permanently glued to TV. Plus,
> you need acting skills to appear on TV, not "hacking".
> Fact 3 ? The State Bar in California, Nevada, and Georgia has authorized
> Gregory Evans to teach Continuing Legal Education to attorneys.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #3 - Whatever. I've repeatedly taught people my own
> age (an sometimes older) certain aspects of a certain industry. Not a biggie
> really.
> Fact 4 - Gregory Evans invented the worlds first device to track a computer
> anywhere in the world.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #4 - Gregory D Evans invented GPS?!! (I was being
> sarcastic)
> Fact 5 ? Gregory Evans wrote 8 books on computer security and identity
> theft.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #5 - I know a guy that wrote the world's best seller
> over a security-related fiction story. He doesn't count himself as the
> "World's #1 Hacker".
> Fact 6 - Greg Evans wrote the only book in the world dedicated to laptop
> security.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #6 - Uhm, there's always a fist time. Successful
> writers are usually good at it.
> Fact 7 ? LocatePC is the most downloaded computer tracking software in the
> world.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #7 - Uh, nope?! How exactly does Mr Evans track
> downloading of his competitors?
> Fact 8 ? Gregory Evans is the founder of 3 publicly traded companies. Mr.
> Evans sold The Cyber Group Network and the other 2 are currently trading
> under the stock symbol LGTT and SPFM.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #8 - Irrelevant.
> Fact 9 ? Gregory Evans owns the 2nd largest caller ID spoofing services in
> the world.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #9 - Irrelevant. (hint: how many such companies
> actually exist? the only one != the best one can get)
> Fact 10 ? Gregory Evans has taught over 5 different Cyber Security courses
> on college campus such as, Santa Monica City College, Irvine Valley College,
> California State University, Los Angeles, San Marcos College, Pepperdine
> University, Anaheim City College, Rancho Santiago College, and ITT in
> Duluth, GA.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #10 - The effectiveness of such courses could be more
> relevant. As an independent developer, I realized one can learn from a
> 4-hour tutorial more than one can get from a whole year of CS at Uni.
> Fact 11 Cyber Group Network and LIGATT Security are the only computer
> security companies in history to be the Official Cyber Security company for
> the NBA and the NHL, teams like the Los Angeles Clippers, Atlanta Hawks, and
> the Thrashers.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #11 - Well, there's company which is the only one in
> history to serve our company. What about it?
> Fact 12 Evans wrote the first book on Laptop Security.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #12 - Must have took a long time to realize this
> after #6.
> Fact 13 LIGATT Security developed one Android and two iPhone Applications ?
> Cyber P.I. for the iPhone. iSPOOFEM for iPhone and Android  phones.  LIGATT
> Security has three other iPhone and iPad apps under Apple review at this
> time.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #13 - So what? Lots of people writes mobile
> applications. Speaking of myself, I write real software, not package some
> sh*t in a "mobile application" and call it a masterpiece.
> Fact 14 Distribution ? Gregory Evans company LIGATT Security signed a
> distribution deal with the multi-billion distributor D and H Distribution.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #14 - Irrelevant.
> Fact 15 Gregory Evans is the only computer security expert to be featured on
> Fox News Network (3 times) and CNN (currently a regular).
> *Christian Sciberras*: #15 - Only a fool would enjoy his stay of "Fools
> Weekly". If both channels have casual viewers as the intended audience, I
> doubt his stay served any purpose. Now, if it were a BBC documentary, I'd
> give some credit...
> Fact 16 Evans is the only Computer Security Expert to write articles for
> Essence Magazine.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #16 - Might be because no one else sees it
> worthwhile?
> Fact 17 Evans is the only expert to be interviewed by 3 hip-hop magazines:
> Rolling Out, Cr?me and Ozone Magazine.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #17 - Oh God. Seriously.
> Fact 18 Evans has the largest line of clothing for Computer Nerds, Geeks, IT
> Managers and Hackers.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #18 - I was pretty sure "" was much more
> popular. Either case, appearances may not mean anything. You'd be surprised
> what a monster of a PC could be hidden behind a P2-era case...
> Fact 19 Evans has one of the largest computer security news portal websites
> in the world.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #19 - It all comes down to what the adjective,
> "largest", is applied to. For instance, if it applied to "ugliness and hot
> air", I'd wholeheartedly agree.
> *Christian Sciberras*: #20 - Uh, no 20?!
> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:17 AM, bk<>  wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] wrote:
>>> How about you give some real examples of why he is considered to be a
>> "fraud in the infosec community".
>> Many interesting frauds here:
>> --
>> chort
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 18:54:58 -0800
> From: coderman<>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] An enemy of the infosec community needs
> 	to be brought to justice
> To: bk<>
> Cc:,
> Message-ID:
> 	<>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 4:17 PM, bk<>  wrote:
>> Many interesting frauds here:
> Gregory D. Evans / LIGATT Security
> A supposed "hi-tech hustler", "WORLD'S NO 1 HACKER" and convicted
> felon (Bureau of Prisons #13432-112), Gregory Dante Evans has invented
> himself as some form of hacker with the ability to break into anything
> and spin that supposed knowledge into advising companies on security.
> In reality, Evans and his company have little real knowledge beyond
> pedestrian hacking techniques found in plagiarized books and beginner
> hacking texts. His company, LIGATT Security International, offers a
> "suite" of products that are bloated version of common tools such as
> ping and nmap. Evans, who plagiarizes content rather than write it
> himself, is over US$10 million in debt due to his own history of crime
> and his inability to run a company. Every press release, every video
> cast, every public communication is full of discrepancies, half-truths
> and outright lies.
> 2011-01-31 - Judge rebukes 'World's No. 1 Hacker': Quashes 'extremely
> troubling' subpoenas (The Register)
> 2011-01-10 - Gregory D. Evans threatens, bullies and then plagiarizes
> a respected podcaster
> 2011-01-09 - LIGATT Earns an 'F' from the Better Business Bureau in California
> 2011-01-08 - Gregory D. Evans, Wannabe Mogul and 10 Million in Debt
> 2011-01-06 - Gregory D. Evans, Cyber Bullying Expert
> 2011-01-04 - Gregory D. Evans / LIGATT Can't Keep Board Members
> 2010-12-06 - Security firm fights racism in InfoSec while apparently
> profiting from it (The Tech Herald)
> 2010-12-01 - Gregory D. Evans Profits Off Defamation
> 2010-12-01 - Evans / LIGATT Issue Press Release on Article They Plagiarized
> 2010-10-09 - Gregory D. Evans Site Completely Unreliable
> 2010-10-07 - Gregory Evans removed from many speaking engagements
> []
> 2010-10-07 - SHITcast Interview with Gregory D. Evans (commentary)
> 2010-08-03 - Evans Plagiarism: IAS Conference Abstract
> 2010-07-27 - LIGATT Security Tries to Silence its Online Critics With
> an Unsubstantiated Lawsuit []
> 2010-07-15 - Gregory D. Evans, and Stock Manipulation
> 2010-07-14 - Gregory D. Evans Starts "Un-biased",
> Denies Involvement
> 2010-07-13 - Gregory D. Evans Threatens Podcaster and His Family
> 2010-07-13 - The Litigious Life of LIGATT / Evans - Legal History
> 2010-06-30 - Asian Men Prefer LIGATT [Botched Twitter Reputation Manipulation]
> 2010-06-30 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Teaching Credentials
> 2010-06-28 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being Licensed Private Investigator
> 2010-06-27 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
> 2010-06-25 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being CISA / CISM
> 2010-06-23 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being CISSP
> 2010-06-22 - LIGATT's National Cyber Security Involves Coffee, Black
> Santas and Porn?
> 2010-06-22 - Gregory D. Evans Ignores Equal Employment Opportunity Laws
> 2010-06-22 - Report: InfoSec community launches campaign against
> security firm (The Tech Herald)
> 2010-06-22 - 'World's No. 1 hacker' tome rocks security world:
> Plagiarism, racism, and fake Mitnickism alleged (The Register)
> 2010-06-22 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About LIGATT Board Member
> 2010-06-21 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
> 2010-06-21 - LIGATT Plagiarism: National Cyber Security Site Articles
> 2010-06-20 - Evans, LIGATT and the XSS Mess
> 2010-06-18 - Playing Race Cards with a Loaded Deck
> 2010-06-18 - Gregory D. Evans Criminal History
> 2010-06-17 - False claims about clients, questionable spending
> 2010-05-14 - LIGATT Financials for easy reference
> 2010-06-11 - Evans Plagiarism: "How To Become The Worlds No. 1 Hacker" Book
> 2010-06-07 - LIGATT vulnerable to XSS #4, and why it matters
> 2010-05-26 - Liabilities and Lamers - Financial Analysis of LIGATT
> 2010-05-24 - LIGATT Plagiarism: "Learn to Hack" Twitter Campaign
> 2010-05-21 - The Fundamentals of Manipulating Perception Through Press Releases
> 2010-05-15 - Do you trust these "security experts" to secure your network?
> 2010-05-01 - Evans' Creme Magazine interview on Hip-hop security
> 2010-04-20 - Evans' Bio references shoddy past affiliations
> 2009-09-02 - Quest to make computers safe involves race card and stereotypes
> 2007-06-22 - African American ex-computer hacker designs service to
> fake caller ID
> 2002-02-02 - Evans pleads guilty to conspiracy, wire fraud charges
> 2001-11-11 - Book Review: Memoirs of a Hi-Tech Hustler
> 2001-09-24 - Outlandish claims of his new patent-pending product
> ...
> now _that's_ a distinguished career ;)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 22:51:29 -0500
> From: Hack Talk<>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] An enemy of the infosec community needs
> 	to be brought to justice
> To: coderman<>
> Cc:,
> Message-ID:
> 	<>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I wish I could put that on _my_ resume.
> Tots jelly of GDE, tots jelly...
> Luis Santana - Security+
> Administrator -
> HackTalk Security - Security From The Underground
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 9:54 PM, coderman<>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 4:17 PM, bk<>  wrote:
>>> Many interesting frauds here:
>> Gregory D. Evans / LIGATT Security
>> A supposed "hi-tech hustler", "WORLD'S NO 1 HACKER" and convicted
>> felon (Bureau of Prisons #13432-112), Gregory Dante Evans has invented
>> himself as some form of hacker with the ability to break into anything
>> and spin that supposed knowledge into advising companies on security.
>> In reality, Evans and his company have little real knowledge beyond
>> pedestrian hacking techniques found in plagiarized books and beginner
>> hacking texts. His company, LIGATT Security International, offers a
>> "suite" of products that are bloated version of common tools such as
>> ping and nmap. Evans, who plagiarizes content rather than write it
>> himself, is over US$10 million in debt due to his own history of crime
>> and his inability to run a company. Every press release, every video
>> cast, every public communication is full of discrepancies, half-truths
>> and outright lies.
>> 2011-01-31 - Judge rebukes 'World's No. 1 Hacker': Quashes 'extremely
>> troubling' subpoenas (The Register)
>> 2011-01-10 - Gregory D. Evans threatens, bullies and then plagiarizes
>> a respected podcaster
>> 2011-01-09 - LIGATT Earns an 'F' from the Better Business Bureau in
>> California
>> 2011-01-08 - Gregory D. Evans, Wannabe Mogul and 10 Million in Debt
>> 2011-01-06 - Gregory D. Evans, Cyber Bullying Expert
>> 2011-01-04 - Gregory D. Evans / LIGATT Can't Keep Board Members
>> 2010-12-06 - Security firm fights racism in InfoSec while apparently
>> profiting from it (The Tech Herald)
>> 2010-12-01 - Gregory D. Evans Profits Off Defamation
>> 2010-12-01 - Evans / LIGATT Issue Press Release on Article They Plagiarized
>> 2010-10-09 - Gregory D. Evans Site Completely
>> Unreliable
>> 2010-10-07 - Gregory Evans removed from many speaking engagements
>> []
>> 2010-10-07 - SHITcast Interview with Gregory D. Evans (commentary)
>> 2010-08-03 - Evans Plagiarism: IAS Conference Abstract
>> 2010-07-27 - LIGATT Security Tries to Silence its Online Critics With
>> an Unsubstantiated Lawsuit []
>> 2010-07-15 - Gregory D. Evans, and Stock Manipulation
>> 2010-07-14 - Gregory D. Evans Starts "Un-biased",
>> Denies Involvement
>> 2010-07-13 - Gregory D. Evans Threatens Podcaster and His Family
>> 2010-07-13 - The Litigious Life of LIGATT / Evans - Legal History
>> 2010-06-30 - Asian Men Prefer LIGATT [Botched Twitter Reputation
>> Manipulation]
>> 2010-06-30 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Teaching Credentials
>> 2010-06-28 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being Licensed Private
>> Investigator
>> 2010-06-27 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being Certified Fraud Examiner
>> (CFE)
>> 2010-06-25 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being CISA / CISM
>> 2010-06-23 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being CISSP
>> 2010-06-22 - LIGATT's National Cyber Security Involves Coffee, Black
>> Santas and Porn?
>> 2010-06-22 - Gregory D. Evans Ignores Equal Employment Opportunity Laws
>> 2010-06-22 - Report: InfoSec community launches campaign against
>> security firm (The Tech Herald)
>> 2010-06-22 - 'World's No. 1 hacker' tome rocks security world:
>> Plagiarism, racism, and fake Mitnickism alleged (The Register)
>> 2010-06-22 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About LIGATT Board Member
>> 2010-06-21 - Gregory D. Evans Lies About Being Certified Ethical Hacker
>> (CEH)
>> 2010-06-21 - LIGATT Plagiarism: National Cyber Security Site Articles
>> 2010-06-20 - Evans, LIGATT and the XSS Mess
>> 2010-06-18 - Playing Race Cards with a Loaded Deck
>> 2010-06-18 - Gregory D. Evans Criminal History
>> 2010-06-17 - False claims about clients, questionable spending
>> 2010-05-14 - LIGATT Financials for easy reference
>> 2010-06-11 - Evans Plagiarism: "How To Become The Worlds No. 1 Hacker" Book
>> 2010-06-07 - LIGATT vulnerable to XSS #4, and why it matters
>> 2010-05-26 - Liabilities and Lamers - Financial Analysis of LIGATT
>> 2010-05-24 - LIGATT Plagiarism: "Learn to Hack" Twitter Campaign
>> 2010-05-21 - The Fundamentals of Manipulating Perception Through Press
>> Releases
>> 2010-05-15 - Do you trust these "security experts" to secure your network?
>> 2010-05-01 - Evans' Creme Magazine interview on Hip-hop security
>> 2010-04-20 - Evans' Bio references shoddy past affiliations
>> 2009-09-02 - Quest to make computers safe involves race card and
>> stereotypes
>> 2007-06-22 - African American ex-computer hacker designs service to
>> fake caller ID
>> 2002-02-02 - Evans pleads guilty to conspiracy, wire fraud charges
>> 2001-11-11 - Book Review: Memoirs of a Hi-Tech Hustler
>> 2001-09-24 - Outlandish claims of his new patent-pending product
>> ...
>> now _that's_ a distinguished career ;)
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