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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2011 16:41:23 -0500
From: Eyeballing Weev <>
Subject: Re: Multiple vulnerabilities in SimpGB

You did not have relations with the site? If you did, I would trust you 
wore protection.

On 02/07/2011 04:35 PM, MustLive wrote:
> Hello antisnatchor!
> No, I've not :-).
> When some mothefucker hacked ANOTHER site (to which I had no relations) on
> the same server, rooted the server of my hoster and put lame and lying
> message to my web site and also to the mailing list - I not considering it
> as a deface ;-). It's only lame lying bullshit.
> And when Laurent is believing in such bullshit and trying to use it as an
> argument, then it just shows his level of "intelligent". About which I've
> told already. So, antisnatchor, don't believe in bullshits and nonsense.
> Best wishes&  regards,
> MustLive
> Administrator of Websecurity web site
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Michele Orru
> To: laurent gaffie
> Cc: MustLive ;
> Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 12:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Multiple vulnerabilities in SimpGB
> ahaah.
> Nice reply Sparky.
> MustLive, seems you've been defaced :-)
> antisnatchor
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