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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 00:25:55 +0000
From: "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]"
To: coderman <>
Cc: "" <>,
	"" <>,
	"andrew.wallace" <>
Subject: Re: Mr. Lemming

Andrew, are you in some way suggesting that if another person engages in
conversation with me, that it will be frowned upon and/or cause them

If so, maybe you should go and give this same advice to the list of people
I've worked with on my linkedin profile, and watch how quickly you are told
to go and do one.

It is exactly this kind of narrow minded, stereotypical thinking that
alienates those with real talent, but a troubled history.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 12:06 AM, coderman <> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 3:54 PM, andrew.wallace
> <> wrote:
> > The point is, should you be giving him "tips" on such a publicly
> accessible
> > platform?
> full-disclosure - supporting the dissemination of sufficient knowledge
> for intelligent decision making.
> i could care less about the irrelevant particulars of someones
> personal history in technical discussions. the ethical implications of
> how someone uses information (or tools, or any other resource) is a
> separate subject from the rationale for having a technical discussion
> on this list.
> and supporting technical discussions of any type, regarding any
> technologies, or any vulnerabilities, i fully encourage.
> using these discussions for ethical purposes i also encourage,
> however, that is something completely beyond my control.
> P.S. if you'd like to discuss the ethical reasoning of a
> full-disclosure advocate we can do so off list. however, the set of
> individuals capable of a reasonable discussion on ethics is very small
> and unlikely to intersect with the set of individuals on this mailing
> list, let alone one with the moniker "n3td3v". ;)
> _______________________________________________
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