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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 14:16:01 +0000
From: Jacqui Caren-home <>
Subject: Re: [AntiSnatchOr] Drupal <= 6.20
 insecure	Captcha defaults PoC

On 15/02/2011 16:55, Michele Orru wrote:
> 2011/2/14 MustLive<>:
>> Hello Michele!
>> Few days ago I saw your advisory about Drupal's captcha. It's interesting
>> advisory, but I have one note concerning it - your research is very close to
>> mine ;-) (it concerns similar holes which I found before you).
> I didn't found anything in FD or other public lists mentioning
> this issue before, so.... :)

Its not just Drupal - a number of captcha systems are open to attacks of this form.
For instance is randomly open, allowing downloads of multiple files because
of capcha "cookie replay".

I have seen this - by accident I should point out - on a number of (commercial) sites where
captcha is employed for login or download sanity checks.

The most recent system to be borked during upgrade was


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