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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 18:00:57 -0500
From: Brandon McGinty <>
To: Just1n T1mberlake <>
Subject: Re: what to buy?

Something about that sounds wrong.
Anyone posting from your companies connection will be sending out their
IP addresses with each web request, be it to a proxy or a third party.
If you wanted, for whatever reason, to route your traffic through a web
proxy, so that your companies main address isn't shown, something like
Squid on entirely different IP range might be useful.
As for Mac addresses, anyone sniffing your lan or wlan can find those
out. If this happens, you've got more than just a small problem, however.
I'm still not sure what your aim is, here, though.
TO stop general data leakage, you could look into OpenDLP, though this
would only work for your Windows workstations.
If you wanted to add a Mac component, you could code it, if you have
experience in programming.
List, please correct me if I'm off base with any of this.

Brandon McGinty

On 2/21/2011 11:47 PM, Just1n T1mberlake wrote:
> Hows it going security gurues.
> My job is now taking on the security responsibilityes for my network. We
> have nearly 250 pcs on the network and theres about 30 macs too (ugh). I
> was just doing the network before this but the security guy got fired on
> the weekend after getting caught with drugs.
> My boss wants to stop people being able to post their IP number on the
> internet. I was telling him that you have to worry about the MAC numbers
> getting posted too, otherwise you can get hacked using them if the
> hackers get those numbers. Most people dont really know thats how you
> can get hacked on facebook or some of the forums (especially php forums).
> If I wanted to buy something to block these getting posted, what would
> be the best? Or should I look into doing it myself with linux?? Any good
> books you think I should read about this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Justin
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