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Message-Id: <>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 23:20:35 +0200
From: Jaime Lloret Mauri<>
Subject: Call for workshop proposals: The 4th IEEE
	International Conference on Cyber, Physical,
	and Social Computing (CPSCom 2011)

[Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies of this call]

[Call for Papers]
                                 CPSCom 2011
 The 4th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing

                   Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE CS, and IEEE TCSC
                      Dalian, China, October 19�C22, 2011

                             in conjunction with 
   iThings 2011: The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things


The physical things and the human society have formed into the world we live in. However, the emergence of information technologies enables a new infrastructure for a technical, economic and social revolution, which have changed the world we are used to. Cyber-physical systems couple the cyber aspects of computing and communications with the physical aspects of dynamics that must abide by the laws of physics. Social computing has become more widely known because of proliferation of online social networking in recent years. With the advent of ubiquitous sensing, future social networks will become cyber-physical, combining measured elements of the physical world. The convergence of computational and physical processes as well as human's social behaviors exhibits a variety of complicated characteristics, which leads to a lot of challenges.

The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing (CPSCom 2011) will provide a high-profile, leading-edge forum for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present state-of-art advances and innovations in theoretical foundations, systems, infrastructure, tools, testbeds, and applications for the CPSCom, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future. CPSCom 2011 is the 4th edition of the successful series, previously held as CPSCom 2010 (Hangzhou, China, December 2010), CyberSocialCom 2009 (Hangzhou, China, November 2009), and CPSC 2009 (Brisbane, Australia, July 2009).


Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

- Track 1: Cyber-physical systems and society
- Track 2: Social computing
- Track 3: Pervasive/ubiquitous computing
- Track 4: Sensor/actuator networks
- Track 5: Security, privacy, and trust
- Track 6: Applications and services


Workshop Proposal Due:  April 20, 2011
Submission Due:  May 1, 2011
Notification of Acceptance:  July 1, 2011
Final Manuscript Due:  August 1, 2011


Authors are invited to submit original papers that MUST NOT have been submitted to or published in any other workshop, conference, or journal. Full Papers (up to 10 pages) and Short Papers (up to 4 pages) are solicited. Detailed submission instructions could be found on the conference website All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee for significance, originality, accuracy, and clarity. 


Each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that, if the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference to present the work in order for the paper to be included in the IEEE Digital Library. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of CPSCom 2011 by IEEE Computer Society (EI indexed). Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in several SCI-index international journals (check the website for details).


Please submit a workshop proposal including call-for-papers, organizing committee, important dates, short bio of the organizers to the CPSCom 2011 workshop chairs. Workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press. The workshops with more than 15 papers will be granted with a free complimentary registration for the leading workshop organizer.

7. Contact information

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