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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 00:28:25 -0400
From: Jason Hellenthal <>
To: Nick Boyce <>
Subject: Re: Cisco Linksys WRT54G XSS Vulnerability


On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 06:02:19PM +0000, Nick Boyce wrote:
>On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Justin Klein Keane <> wrote:
>> Systems affected:
>> - -----------------
>> Cisco Linksys Wireless G Boradband Router WRT54G with firmware version
>> 4.21.1 was tested and found to be vulnerable.
>FWIW, exact same weakness confirmed in Linksys AG241v1 with firmware
>1.00.23 (the AG241 is the same animal as the WRT54G but without the
>I don't suppose Cisco will ever release updates to address
>vulnerabilities in these products, simple (and cost-effective for
>customer goodwill) though it would be.


I do not see a reason why they should. The Admin panel is not remotely
accessible by default and you technically have to be logged in for this
to be of any use.

Also if someone can already log in to the admin panel I somewhat doubt
that this would be of even the least bit of interest seeing as they
would already have control of the whole router.


 Regards, (jhell)
 Jason Hellenthal

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