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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 19:16:11 +1000
From: "-= Glowing Sex =-" <>
To: "Sergio 'shadown' Alvarez" <>, adam <>
Subject: Re: [New Security Tool] INSECT Pro 2.6.1 release

Woahh... nicely picked mate...
Then, they dare to then market it, (with or even withut that guys lib), i
mean pros would have theyre OWn lib if they were that serious...also, somany
bugs in theyre own website picked out by i think FD just
'opened' theyre whole setup to being disclosed nice and openly, the truth
will come as always does..

It is silly to assume that, the people on FD are stupid... this is the
leetest group of ppl aqnywhere,simple..and you can keep ya hats.

I guess thats what happens when ya force an item there is not even a valid
downloadable demo, and now seems even more shifty as a product, because, it
would have to have the Lic of the other guy listed as the package,or it is
lisence fraud, wich i am sure the owner of the lib will...learn of this
but, what a really ssucks of a company!!

i mean, the person spams to here, cant that be moderated ? seriously...

Is bad enough he is prolly even gonna sell from this list, specially on
here, because now, even more, people will be buying it to dissect it, (wish
someone would sling me a copy for be happy to handle a few files
to dissect....) maybe if it was in an advisory, or better yet, i dont know
why Adam, did not continue to fuzz it, and just find the REMOTE hole we
would all love to see ;) , wich you seemed close to doin...would have put
that up them... they simply neede to cc people, or some other such crap, and
they will have nonstop forever spammage on FD... Why doesnt FD mods, make
some FD m,ods, wich find and search for strings, im not talking about just
some av bs,spam assasin bs, im talking somethin simple, wich just finds
strings and blocks...this way, could just inseert some well known spam
names, and nomatter what mailer, it is blocked..or make an addon for
spamassis... i guess i have not installed qmail/s.assassin and sq-mail since
the old FreeBSD v5.2.1 rocks-project package... but id be happy to setup and
play around with some addon that would block this kind of mail from getting
thru the mailer at box level..
kinda would be nice..

I dont keepup with mail systems, but i have a relative who works in ,i could get it pushed onto some servers if some such app or
addon is made, for mailers as a whole, or as an addon... but, it would still
fundamentally be the same code behind it..string-based searching, slower,but
on cron.d and done at right times,then it wont hurt to bad :>)

About smartest thing ive said since i botched (yes i bothced my PoC for that
silly backspace bug, and it exists! But, i botched that because i should
have grabbed the proper Po,wich does cause some funky emails...but, is done
with backspace,and it relatively still new... but i will get to is
documented here on my hd, i just will makesure to do better next time, and
fix that b4 posting, but, i can take that crap, what i dislike is
trolling.... thats rude... anyhow ppls...).
thats enough on either story!

no 'fd list' bonuses/discounts or demos, just straight-out spam (no anchors)

On 23 June 2011 16:51, Sergio 'shadown' Alvarez <> wrote:

> Juan,
> I've seen you are using Michal Zalewski's skipfish as engine, isn't it a
> license violation?
> Cheers,
>  Sergio
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 3:16 AM, Juan Sacco wrote:
> > Test your network security and audit your website using the same tools
> > as hackers.
> > INSECT Pro 2.6.1 is available for purchase right now worldwide through
> > PayPal!
> >
> > * Run Faster: You not only want to make great security testing, you
> > want a nice performance
> > * Load Better: Major graphical interface and optimizations features
> > * Module Search: Ever wondered where that module? We have a built-in
> > search feature for you
> > * Improvements, and Changes As always, we've added a lot of other
> > features and optimizations
> > * The latest exploits found in the wild
> >
> > We are always trying to be one step ahead of the competition, take a
> > visual tour of some of INSECT Pro most popular features and discover
> > INSECT Pro today!
> >
> > Start here:
> >
> > Regards
> > Juan Sacco
> > --
> > ____________________________________________________________
> > Insecurity Research - Security auditing and testing software
> > Web:
> > INSECT Pro 2.6.1 on track - Stay tunned
> >
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> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter:
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> _______________________________________________
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