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Message-ID: <CALCvwp6QvYwJ8sUGm=C2YPhLVNZ0g7uHb-Fr_MVAxZzvvhuTRA@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 12:11:50 +1000
From: "-= Glowing Sex =-" <doomxd@...il.com>
To: T Biehn <tbiehn@...il.com>
Cc: full-disclosure@...ts.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: new anon tool
-> nothing ,is about the best explanation for this rubbish i have seen, and,
I have atleast 4 other tools wich can atleast be modified,exploits added,and
anything would b free ofc...why would i want to waste on something, wich
could even contain , a backdoor.
I know if someone backdoors a BIn on fdlist, would be VERY funny!
well..not funny but, interesting to see how it would be handled.
Anyhow, the tool is rubbish, even wireshark is kinda, better in capture,
tcpdump,somany,. but ofc, I am a betas tester for nessus or nessus-X ,so,
why even bother, when this is not updated by 'sigs' like an auto-update
featuire, and, the code is NOT disclosed...why is this guy even allowed to
do these...
This is for OPEN src tools i weas led to believe, and sofar, this is ONLY
one wich is just 'out-of-place'.
I hope that this insect, gets a nice spray of Mortein!
xd-- @ #HAXNET@EF
1000100010011110011110 +1 = omg i just found oprah winfrey!
On 4 August 2011 11:57, T Biehn <tbiehn@...il.com> wrote:
> nothing.
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 5:08 PM, RandallM <randallm@...mail.com> wrote:
>> have you heard much about the #RefRef tool? What so unique and hasnt
>> been done or triedd before?
>> --
>> been great, thanks
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