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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 00:16:42 +0200
From: Herr E Balls <>
Subject: [MOHSEP] Month Of Humorous Stefan Esser
	Photoshops - 0x11

Hi Guys and welcome to day 18 of Month Of Humorous Stefan Esser

Guys, its very hard to be superbright magnesium type whitehat superstar.
Waking up to Network Securitiy Podcast mp3, reading the metasploit manual
while taking a dump, reading the full disclosure on the subway, flipping
burgers all day at work then coming home and having to make great photoshops
with french-fry-fat burned fingers.

But I do! Every day! For you guys. Because I love you, and I love security
and I love this great full disclosure photogimp project!!!!1

Anyway. Enough. Here is today's link:

Until tomorrow!

Herr E Balls

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