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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:11:30 +0200
From: Román Ramírez <>
Subject: CFP for RootedCON2012 now open!

(Two documents, english and spanish versions for the CFP are attached to
this email)

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Rooted CON 2012 - 'Call for Papers'

-=] About Rooted CON

RootedCON is a Security Congress to be developed at Madrid (Spain)
on march 2012, the days 1, 2 and 3.

With an estimated capacity around 650 people, it is one of the biggest
congresses in Spain and one of the biggest in Europe. Having very
different kinds of
attendants going from students, police and goberment specialists,
security professionals
or just technology entusiasts.

-=] Type of presentations

The congress accepts two kinds of presentations:

- Fast talks:		20 minutes.
- Regular talks:	50 minutes.

Depending of the received proposals, the talks will determine the
quantities of each type
to confirm, there is not a stablished schedule format for the congress
but the agenda is
structured according to demand and supply that is received.

If we think an speaker should have more (or less) time we will contact
him to try to adapt the
lenght so the presentation can be developed with the required level of

-=] Topics

Every topic related to the concept of Hacking, for example but but not
exclusively limited to:

- Hacking, cracking, phreaking, virii, WiFi, VoIP, GSM...
- Mobile devices: android, iOS, Windows7 mobile, maemo,...
- Videoconsole and games hacking.
- Reverse engineering, debugging, hooking, fuzzing, exploiting,...
- Innovative defensive and offensive techniques and tools.
- APT, botnets and malware.
- Hardware and Firmware Hacking.
- (in)security "in the cloud", security and hacking inside virtual
environments, products and services "in the cloud", ...
- Crytography, steganography, covert channels, ...
- Forensics, researching and anti-forensics techniques.
- Networking, layer 2 and 3 protocols and hacking, encapsulation, ...
- Original presentations oriented towards smart audience...

For this edition we would like (a lot) presentations related to
"Hardware hacking", makers ideas, robots, specialized hardware
even self-crafting of arduinos, *copters, rumba, alarms, cameras

* We will give higher scores to presentations that we consider
EXCLUSIVE, so they are new and have never been presented before
in any other phorum, congress, blog, web or event*

-=] Procedure for submitting proposals

Only proposals received through the registration form will be accepted,
which can be accessed at the URLs:	(spanish)	(english)

Any other form, media or communication other than through the
above-mentioned form is not considered
for the purpose of submitted presentations and, of course, not been valued.

-=] Schedule and main deadlines

05 Sep 2011		-	CFP opens
31 Dec 2011		-	CFP closes
Ene 2012		-	Speakers selection and confirmations.

6 Feb 2012		-	Final paper and presentations material submitted

1-3 Mar 2012		-	/Rooted CON2012

-=] Speaker privileges

Every speakers will be given the following benefits:

- Free dinner with the other speakers, Rooted Labs teachers and Rooted
CON team night before the congress.
- Free accommodation
- Travel expenses
- Free access to the congress
- Free party tickets/drinks :)

* PLEASE*, is quiete important for us for you to request *CLEARLY* your
hotel bookings or tickets for
travelling, if you do need so, in the moment you inscribe your
presentation; if you don't and you ask for
them later, Rooted may reject your presentation as it may cause logistic

-=] Speaker Duties and obligations

Every speaker confirmed for RootedCON 2012 must:

a) Confirm that the presentation is TECHNICAL and will be presented with

b) Send the material in the dates shown in the Schedule (6 Feb 2012).
When you send the materials, please,
include details about the DEMOS and POCS you are going to develop.

c) Develop all the materials according to the official RootedCON 2012

d) Accept and confirm your acceptance that every presentation and
associated materials, video and audio recordings
will be published, no matter the mechanisms used to do so.

-=] Sponsors and partners

RootedCON is always looking for quality sponsors and partners. If you
have an interesting propposal or
you think your company may be interested in sponsoring, please do
contact wiht us at:

*WARNING* due to the Congress highly technical profile every sponsorship
propporsal will be evaluated not
only in the economical but too in the technical content, giving more
attention to technical sponsors instead
of others with sales-oriented presentations.

Any help, comment, ideas, propposals or suggestions that you send will
be examined with care: it is very important
for the Congress to get this kind of feedback, as we depend on you to
develop the best Congress.

-=] How to reach us:

-=] Our links

- Web: http:/ /
- Twitter: @rootedcon
- Facebook:
- LinkedIn:
- Rooted mailing-list (español):
- Vimeo:
- Slideshare:
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