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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 11:46:50 +1000
From: GloW - XD <>
To: Madhur Ahuja <>
Subject: Re: Privilege escalation on Windows using Binary
I agree. I am only talking of the scenario where this service is
But before it was all about 3rd party addons wich run as a service... it is
not happening, i can tell u this from many yrs of exp with windows, it wont
MS will not rewrite sdks,ddks,its whole stdafx/msdn architecture for coding,
because of 3rd party addons..
On 26 September 2011 11:41, Madhur Ahuja <> wrote:
> I agree. I am only talking of the scenario where this service is
> pre-installed.
> On Monday, September 26, 2011, Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:
>> You'd have to be admin to install as a service, and the service would
>> obviously need to then be running as local system to be of benefit (beyond
>> what a normal user could do anyway) AND the installer would have to grant a
>> normal user rights to overwrite it.
>> Certainly possible, but the developer would have to go out of their way
>> to screw that up. And if they did, it still wouldn't be because of the OS...
>> T
>> On Sep 25, 2011, at 6:18 PM, "Travis Biehn" <> wrote:
>> GloW: there's a lot of 3rd party software that installs itself as
>> windows services.
>> -Travis
>> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 9:15 PM, GloW - XD <> wrote:
>> Haha , too good and too true thor !
>> Maybe he can trick the user into installing on a FAT32 partition first,
>> and THEN get the to execute from a remote share!
>> Rofl x10.
>> Agreed , this kind of attack, is NOT deasible in 2011, try maybe, 2006.
>> Anyhow it has been a pleasure, ending this BS i think once and for all,
>> lookup how winlogon works for one thing, then look at how windows creates
>> and maintains a service_table, and then at the dlls, wich are protected ofc,
>> you cannot touch msgina.dll,without ALOT of help from a rootkit or something
>> similar, in wich case, why would you need to ?
>> You could add an admin, hidden, and in simple batfile script (yes i do
>> have my own code but no it is not for kids..), this is 10seconds and hidden,
>> so when you have gotten that far, why would you bother to hijack a dll ?
>> You CANNOT do crap,without complete ADMIN not SYSTEm, ADMIN$ share, and
>> total axcs to all sockets, meaning, all pipe control and thats where half of
>> windows exchanges smb shares for one thing, you guys dont seem to know CRAP
>> about windows to start with, then have the gall to raise such a frigging
>> ridiculous topic about a non happening, YOUTUBE ONE 'real' event, of this
>> being useful, or, even just working, and i would look but, you wont, cannot,
>> and will never be able to, especially on newer systems of windows7-8.
>> As i said earlier, enjoy your bs DFLL hijacking, but ms, dont care for it,
>> and whatever patches they instilled, dont touch even service_table.. so,
>> they have not given it a high prio,and why shuld they.
>> This is simply a case of a secteam gaining notoriety, to try and make this
>> a 'big bug!!' , to try and gain brownie points from MS. Even tho, i dont
>> believe in many things MS, I know windows system, and how to break it,
>> better than many people, and i can tell you now, this whole DLL hijack, is a
>> complete and utter waste of your times.
>> But... keep on going, maybe MS will send you another 'thankyou' email ;)
>> xd / <> / #haxnet@Ef
>> On 26 September 2011 10:52, Thor (Hammer of God) <>wrote:
>> Maybe he can trick the user into installing on a FAT32 partition first,
>> and THEN get the to execute from a remote share!
>> On Sep 25, 2011, at 5:30 PM, "Travis Biehn" <> wrote:
>> It might be a fun experiment to see what DLLs they're looking for :.)
>> -Travis
>> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 2:57 PM, <> wrote:
>> To replace a service executable you usually need administrator access
>> anyway.
>> ------Original Message------
>> From: Madhur Ahuja
>> Sender:
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