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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 14:18:34 -0500
From: David Alanis <>
Subject: Re: [OT] Obama said: "American people
	understand	that not everybody's been following the rules"

Quoting "Thor (Hammer of God)" <>:

> No, it goes to show you how much most of the people bitching about   
> all of this are full of shit, as per the oldie but goodie "Holiday   
> in Cambodia" by the Dead Kennedy's.
> The people who REALLY need help are not the ones sitting around all   
> day posting shite on the internet.

I don't know where you're getting at or what political stance you take  
nor do I care.

If you don't think the people who are protesting against the greed of  
wall street are average Americans, then you need help.

Tell us then, since you cared enough to post a link trying to  
discredit the anti-wall-street movement based on exifs. Who are the  
people who need the help?

Corporations? Cause I've heard opposing arguments by *average*  
Americans that corporations are people.

Last time I checked, Obama's Job Act gives even more tax breaks to  
companies and extends unemployment benefits to *Americans* with out  
jobs by taxing millionaires and billionaires.

You have me confused.

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:full-disclosure-
>>] On Behalf Of David Alanis
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:21 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] [OT] Obama said: "American people understand
>> that not everybody's been following the rules"
>> Quoting "Thor (Hammer of God)" <>:
>> > I saw this on FB and thought I would pass it along:
>> >
>> >
>> > It's the exif data from the photos the 99%'ers are posting - showing
>> > the $1000 systems, cameras, and software they are using to post.
>> >
>> > t
>> >
>> To me this goes to show right wing absurdity and the length they go feed
>> propaganda to the Fox News sheeople/believers.
>> What is the logic of the tumbler page anyway!?
>> If you protest against rich filthy thieves you mustn't own a semi decent
>> camera?
>> Its not a right but a privilege to own a nice camera, now.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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