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Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 12:52:04 +0200
From: Mario Vilas <>
Subject: Re: Tor anonymizing network Compromised by French

I also got that impression :( where is that clarified?

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:13 PM,  <> wrote:
> Withdrawn :P
> Quoting
>> I got the impression that they have fully compromised the actual TOR
>> network, not a dummy network, am I wrong?
>> Charlie
>> Quoting Travis Biehn <>:
>>> So they put up a fake network, 'hacked' most of the nodes, and with complete
>>> control of their dummy network they were able to figure out traffic
>>> movement?
>>> This is news why?
>>> -Travis
>>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Mohit Kumar
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> French researchers from
>>>> ESIEA<>,
>>>> a French engineering school, have found and exploited some serious
>>>> vulnerabilities in the TOR network. They performed an inventory of the
>>>> network, finding 6,000 machines, many of whose IPs are accessible publicly
>>>> and directly with the system?s source code. They demonstrated that it is
>>>> possible to take control of the network and read all the messages that
>>>> circulate.
>>>> But there are also hidden nodes, the Tor Bridges, which are provided by the
>>>> system that in some cases. Researchers have developed a script that, once
>>>> again, to identify them. They found 181. "*We now have a complete picture
>>>> of the topography of Tor*," said Eric Filiol.
>>>> Read More at "The Hacker News" --
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