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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 12:17:07 -0500
From: Jeffrey Walton <>
To: Sam Johnston <>
Cc: Full Disclosure <>
Subject: Re: SploitCloud: exploiting cloud brokers for fun
 and profit

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Sam Johnston <> wrote:

> Apologies for the HTML — too many inline links.
> Sam
> SploitCloud: exploiting cloud brokers for fun and profit<>


> *Update:* If you look at the code you'll see the hourly rate is passed to
> the client as "*cost*" and presumably trusted on return (if not, why is
> it there?). I haven't seen a price manipulation vulnerability<>in over a decade, but I'm not tinkering with it because I don't fancy being
> accused of stealing from them or their providers.
> *Update:* While the consumer API <> now
> uses OAuth, the provider API <> still
> uses Amazon's vulnerable signatures<>for authentication:
> #sorts by key.lowercase(). ie A b c Dee e ffFf
> sorted_keys = sorted(parameters.keys(), key=lambda k: k.lower())
> #concatenates key,value pairs. a=1,b=2,C=32 becomes "a1b2C32"
> data = ’’.join(key + parameters[key] for key in sorted_keys)
> #Data is now: ecp_usernamespotcloudusernameparamAvalueTimestamp2006-12-08T07:48:03Z
> digest =’spotcloudpassword’, data, sha).digest()
> This may have been safe over SSL were it not for the fact that client
> libraries (including python) typically don't validate the certificate chain
> by default.

"Unfortunately, hostname matching is one of those ideas that seemed better
when it was thought up than it actually proved to be in practice. I've had
extensive experience with this, and have found it to almost always an
application-specific decision..."


"It's more of a missing feature than a security issue in itself..."


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