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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 10:54:57 +1100
From: xD 0x41 <>
To: Henri Salo <>, Sam Johnston <>
Subject: Re: Steam defaced

ha...well ill be...
A friend of mine, used to be able to shell steam, using sql but, he
failed to be able to keep the shell uploaded, they were running some
kind of 'cleaner' every 2minutes or so checking for any inclusions,
wich then would delete, or simply had a good sigs list , but this was
also for valve.. I do think tho the guy who was able todo this BakO,
very skilled with webs sql, was able to only get that far asfar as
rfis, and sql, but, i assume if he had wanted to deface then, they
were vuln to atleast sql ayear ago atleast, i know that same problem
is always thru and thru, the shell is deleted or bot is deleted, even
when exploits were succeeding...
This maybe true and maybe why they defaced, coz there was nothing else
maybe todo ... interesting but, again, a prooven failboat, and they
also handle masses of cc's :S and accounts of steam, god... some ppl
would live of a db from here!
Good read.

@Sam Johnston
about the clouds, dude, i found the whole attacking of amazon as rude,
and shit, so, as i said before, your a lamer. and, just stfu and wear
it, thats MY opinion i did not say the whole list has to follow
stfu and ride your magical carpet thru the clouds... :P~
to the others who find cloud bs amusing, or ripping or fucking with
amazon as amusing, go read what your kids are buying shit from.. then
maybe you would see, some places, you do not fuck with, you ttreat
with respect, because they sometimes wont affect you directly, but
oneday, it wmay well do this, thanks to your silly exploits on things
that should not be used like this, features manipulated into
exploits...shit, you should not be disclosing shit with amazon, on Fd,
If you cannot see my view then, your just as stupid as i have thought.
now go play with your cloud formations, and upload some f1les to s0m3
l33t 4p4ch3 s3rv3r kid.

eh sorry henri and others, but i had to just get that out to, about
cloud/sploitcloud... it is fkn ridicuoud...asking for trouble, people
like that should get knocks on the door, simply to be put into a
mnental home for theyre own good.


On 11 November 2011 10:25, Henri Salo <> wrote:
> As I usually have good news.. Here is some more:
> Steam joins the failboat.
> Regards,
> Henri Salo
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