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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 08:28:43 -0500
From: Justin Klein Keane <>
Subject: Drupal String Overrides Module XSS

Hash: SHA1

Vulnerability Report

Reported to Vendor:  March 16, 2011 15:25 EST

Description of Vulnerability:
- -----------------------------
Drupal ( is a robust content management system (CMS)
written in PHP and MySQL.  The Drupal String Overrides module
( "Provides a quick and easy
way to replace any text on the site."  The module is intended as a
lightweight translation module.  Unfortunately the String Overrides
module contains functionality that allows users to inject arbitrary
code into translations of terms that are not sanitized by other
modules (including Drupal core).

Systems affected:
- -----------------
Drupal 6.20 with String Overrides 6.x-1.8 and Drupal 5.21 with String
Overrides 5.x-1.8 were tested and shown to be vulnerable.  Drupal 7.0
with String Overrides 7.x-1.0 was tested and not found to be
vulnerable.  The demonstrated attack vector may affect other modules
that trust input from translation files.

- ------
Malicious users could inject arbitrary scripts into pages affecting
site administrators.  This could result in administrative account
compromise leading to web server process compromise.  An attacker
could also inject hidden content (such as iframes, applets, or
embedded objects) that would attack client browsers in an attempt to
compromise site users' machines.  This vulnerability could also be
used to launch cross site request forgery (XSRF) attacks against the
site that could have other unexpected consequences.

Mitigating factors:
- -------------------
In order to exploit this vulnerability the attacker must have
credentials to an authorized account that has been assigned the
'administer string overrides' permission.  This could be accomplished
via social engineering, brute force password guessing, or abuse or
legitimate credentials.

Proof of Concept:
- -----------------
1.  Install Drupal and enable the String Overrides module
2.  Navigate to the 'String Overrides' page at
3.  Enter a new value with the Original set to "Optional" and the
Replacement set to "Optional<script>alert('xss');</script>"
4.  Click the 'Save configuration' button
5.  View rendered JavaScript at the Page content type management
screen ?q=admin/content/node-type/page

There are a number of other strings that are vulnerable to this type
of injection at various locations throughout the Drupal administrative
interface.  This attack can also be accomplished by importing a
malicious language file at ?q=admin/settings/stringoverrides/import

- ------------------------------------------
The Drupal core Translation module will fail to import language files
(.po or .pot) if illegal HTML characters are contained within them.
It is reasonable to strip HTML out of imported translation strings.
The following patch accomplishes this functionality in Drupal 6:

- --- stringoverrides/	2010-08-22
16:36:43.000000000 -0400
+++ stringoverrides/	2011-03-16
15:17:11.502256648 -0400
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function stringoverrides_admin_submit($f
     if (!empty($string['original'])) {
       // Get rid of carriage returns.
       list($orig, $replace) = str_replace("\r", '',
array($string['original'], $string['replacement']));
- -      $words[$string['enabled']][$orig] = $replace;
+      $words[$string['enabled']][$orig] = filter_xss($replace);

@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ function stringoverrides_admin_import_su
       // Clean up and save the imported data
- -      variable_set('locale_custom_strings_'.
$form_state['values']['lang'], $overrides);
+      variable_set('locale_custom_strings_'.
$form_state['values']['lang'], array_map('filter_xss',$overrides));
       drupal_set_message(t('The overrides have been imported.'));

Vendor Response
- ---------------
Vendor intends to release a public service announcement

- -- 
Justin Klein Keane

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