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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 13:05:11 +1100
From: dave bl <>
To: Darren Martyn <>
Subject: Re: Microsoft Windows vulnerability in TCP/IP
 Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2588516)

On 13 November 2011 04:27, Darren Martyn
<> wrote:
> Off topic (kinda) but with all this talk on SCAPY, has anyone a good
> reference on using it IN a python script for crafting/reading packets? Me
> and a friend wanted to write a python version of Ettercap/dsniff using the
> SCAPY libraries as a challenge and as a learning experience. Even if we can
> just get some reliable ARP poisoning to work with it we will be pretty
> happy, and will have learned something. Any good literature?

A challenge you say?  ....

Help on function arpcachepoison in module scapy.layers.l2:

arpcachepoison(target, victim, interval=60)
    Poison target's cache with (your MAC,victim's IP) couple
    arpcachepoison(target, victim, [interval=60]) -> None

The official Scapy site has good documentation[0]


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